Any active jws, without using the phrase "God must have..." Can you prove that Noah's ark actually happened

by DuvanMuvan 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • emeth

    @Island man

    the case of Noah was all about showing faith


    a possible answer to question 8 , a recent (appeared this month in the journal Nature) scientific discovery.....emeth

    ...................Once Upon A Time ...........................After 40 Days Jehovah..........................All The Water..

    ..............There Was A Great Flood............................Pulled The Plug.............. ...........Went Down The Drain..


    .....................................................................The Animals Got Off Noah`s Ark..



    .................................................The Kangaroo`s Hopped From Turkey,Back To Australia..



    ...........................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • galaxie

    Emeth, are you seriously saying there was a cavern filled with enough water to flood the world, then the cavern was was emptied and after 40 days it filled up again?

    When you say it's peanuts for god to do, it's more likely peanuts for your brain to consider such non,..sense.

    You are clutching at straws with that reasoning.

    Obviously you are resorting to the god must have mentality and by so doing are insulting your own intelligence.

    It is an ancient story which has been proved to be an absolute impossibility.

    Only time may bring you to understand this .I hope someday you will find that clarity.

    Best wishes to you.

  • kaik

    Noah ark is a moral story, not true description of real event. There is no whatsoever indication for world wide flood in the modern geological times. Last time when almost entire earth was covered with water was about 600 mil years ago during what is called snow ball effect climate when ice advanced to the tropic of cancer and capricorn. Chinese, Egyptians and other bronze civilizations were not affected by any disruption around 2100 BC. Earth science can pricely point to major geological disruptions since the last Ice Age, and the flood would show in the geological records.

  • prologos

    and, if there was no flood, there will be no Armageddon. according to te Jesu writers, the peter writers. because

    Armageddon is contingent on the flood.

  • Pronger1

    There is evidence of localized devastating flooding, but none for a global flood. And the JWs belief of a water canopy above the earth defies physics.

  • emeth

    @galaxie you belong to a number of people who believe that , for example, ressurrections also have not taken place, that egypt did not see ten plagues, that we had not one language in babel and so on.

    Thats the difference between you and me i believe that there is an almighty force and intelligent being that can do things we as humans cant comprehend.

    btw... read the bible account, the reservoir did not fill up in 40 days.

  • Pronger1

    Correct. It was over a year for the waters to recede according to the Biblical account.

  • Pronger1

    The problem with the article talking about vast underground water reservoirs is this. I quote from the above linked article.


    Hans Keppler, a geologist at the University of Bayreuth in Germany, cautioned against extrapolating the size of the subterranean water find from a single sample of ringwoodite.

    He also said the water was likely to be locked up in specific rocks, in a molecular form called hydroxyl.

    " Hydroxl isnt water. Water is H2O. Hydroxl is OH. It is missing a second hydrogen atom. It would require undergoing a chemical process to gain that extra hydrogen atom. Take Sodium and Hydroxl and you get Sodium Hydroxide. Add hydrochloric acid and the result would be water and salt.

  • kaik

    emeth, you befall into the group of people that are minority within this human race -always was -, which believes in a literal interpretation of Bible as true word of god. Who cares that there is more Chinese, Indians, Muslims than Christians who absolutely do not care about what is written in Bible for minor, rather isolated Jewish nation. Even old Jewish teaching was sceptical on the account of the biblical truth and believed that it was a moral story, not true historical account. I am sure Jews understand better to the meaning of the OT than majority of Christians. It is the same moral teaching as did Plato with his Dialogues about Atlantis. One major difference is that we can at least to trace by historical records and excavation to various non-biblical events, while we cannot even prove that Temple of Solomon ever existed, including David the founder of the royal dynasty, the wandering Jews in the desert, nor tower of Babel.

    The issue with the Flood are extensive. It defies scientific records from geology, biology, paleontology; it does not show records in the glaciers, sediments, fluvial plains. The human race was not suddenly decimated. There was about 25-30 million people around the earth in the 2100BC and continued to increase for the next 600 years where it was really decimated by explosion of Thera around 1610BC that decimated Bronze Age civilization from Greece to China.

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