Any active jws, without using the phrase "God must have..." Can you prove that Noah's ark actually happened

by DuvanMuvan 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    btw... read the bible account, the reservoir did not fill up in 40 days.....Emeth

    No one said it did..

    If we are to believe You..

    After 40 days Jehovah pulled the Plug,all the Water went down the Drain..And..Got trapped in a huge reservoir below the earths suface..

    Once the flood water disappeared..

    The kangaroo`s left Noahs Ark in Turkey and hopped across the ocean,back to Austalia..


    When the Kangaroo`s got back to Australia..

    .................They Were Very Tired........


    ............................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Crazyguy

    The bible's flood story is a ripoff of older stories like the epic of Gilgamesh. If god wanted to kill off evil men there is a whole lot other ways to do it with less effort. Most of the early stories are iether ripoffs from other cultures or out right lies. One example it the story about 1 angel/messenger killing 185,000 Assyrian soldiers, if this really happened the Assyrian empire would of fallin in just months after. The Jews stole their god and their stories from others.

  • jam

    The atmosphere only holds enough moisture to account for

    about an inch of water worldwide. To cover even mount Ararat,

    in 40 days would require over 400 feet of water per day. That's

    not 400 inches, but 400 FEET a day. Mount Everest would

    require 725 ft. per day, that's 30 FEET of water per hr.

  • jam

    One other thing that I forgot to mention, Noah had a hell of a

    anchor to remain in the same area after a year. Don't you think

    it may have been possible for the little boat to drift maybe to South or

    North America. How about coming to rest in the middle of the Mediterranean sea.

    You talk about a miracle, the Ark landed in the same area.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    "the case of Noah was all about showing faith"

    God could have tested Noah's faith in other more useful ways than having him labor on an inadequate means of saving that God still had to step in and apply supernatural patches to. I can think of a lot more efficient ways for an allpowerful God to kill off all but a few than having to drown the whole planet with water killing off, not only wicked people, but millions of innocent animals.

    Why does he have to resort to killing the wicked by the use of traumatic events like floods, wars and armageddon? Why doesn't he just have all the wicked die in their sleep? Because contrary to what JWs and many others teach, the God of the bible is a vengeful sadist who takes pleasure in making the wicked suffer a horrendous death:

    "And I will cause distress to mankind, and they will certainly walk like blind men; because it is against Jehovah that they have sinned. And their blood will actually be poured out like dust, and their bowels like the dung." - Zephanaiah 1:17, oNWT

    Modern western civilization is more refined morally than he is. Today those who are put to death by the state face lethal injection instead of the kinds of barbaric carnage that the God of the bible seems to delight in.

  • Bugbear

    Duvan Muran:

    qoute:2.the flood supposedly happened around 4000 years ago but there is evidence of civilisation dating back a lot further.(There are cave paintings in France of humans hunting woolly mammoths which I have noticed weren't on the ark)

    It is even worse then the cave paintings. Champolion cracken the hieroglyfs (egyptian) over 200 years ago. And when we could understand these letters we can proof that 100 years after the flood, when only 8 people survived, the Egytians where able to build pyramids and other buildings that obviously required over 10 - to 20 tousands of men labor. Sem, Ham or Jafeth, must have been very viril!


  • redvip2000

    To cover even mount Ararat,

    in 40 days would require over 400 feet of water per day.

    Yes i believe it comes down to about 6 - 10 inches of rain per minute, which is obviously impossible. When you factor the logistical implications of this event, it simply makes no sense that god, or anybody else for that matter would take this approach to simply kill a fairly insignificant amount of people.

    What kind of loving creator would kill 99.9 percent of all existing animals on the planet, in addition to all plants on earth, to be able to kill a few humans? Especially when you consider that 2 or 3 angels could accomplish that with lil effort without creating a catastrophe for the planet? It is inconceivable that anybody with half a brain cell would take this approach.

    There is so many issues with the story of the flood, that it is beyond any reasonable logic to even try to assume this is true.

  • undercover

    ...Can you prove that Noah's ark actually happened

    Ye of little faith. Have you not seen the movie trailer? "Maximus and the Ark"? It's all explained right there in High Def movie making. Geez...

  • jookbeard

    thats a new one to me , this cavern of water being held in the inner Earth ! if thats the case and from a basic logic point of view we would be looking at billions upon billions of tons of water, would this massive amount of weight turn the Earth off its axis ?

  • kaik

    There is not much liquid water below the deep mantle. Some water in the crust is captured in the aquifers, and rest of it is tied into moleculs of various mineral deposits. Consider the heat below entire earth crust, plate tectonics, and so on, there is no ocean under the mantle. The same, there was no water canopy capable flooding entire earth as its pressure would be unbearable for living organism and temperature would be as high as in Venus. Story of Flood is nothing more than a moral story.

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