Used before but this is applied extremely improperly.
*** w89 7/15 p. 12 par. 8 Live a Balanced, Simple Life ***
Actually, your spiritual activity is a measure of whether you are living a balanced, simple life. Christians who are heeding Jesus’ admonition to seek first God’s Kingdom are moving ahead at a good pace in regular Bible study, meeting attendance, and the field ministry. Such forward movement is a real protection against falling. It might be compared to riding a bicycle. Those who have tried to balance a bicycle that has slowed down practically to a standstill appreciate the importance of forward momentum. Similarly, as long as you are moving ahead at a good pace in a routine of spiritual activity, you are protected from losing your balance and falling.—Philippians 3:16.
*** w84 5/15 pp. 10-11 Keep Your Balance—How? ***
Furthermore, those who have tried to balance a bicycle that is standing still appreciate the importance of forward momentum in maintaining balance. This point is vital because in recent years some have misused or misunderstood the expression “spiritual balance.” “Do not spend so much time in the field ministry,” they have said. “Spend more time at home with your family. Be balanced!” Following such improper advice has slowed the forward momentum of some and has hurt them spiritually, causing them to fall prey to self-indulgence.—2 Peter 2:3; 3:11, 12.
*** w68 10/1 p. 585 pars. 2-3 Maintain Proper Christian Balance ***
To appreciate better just what is involved in balance, observe the comments of Webster’s Dictionary of Synonyms: “Balance implies a state in which no one part, element, factor, or influence overweights another or is out of due proportion to the others. It therefore suggests a steadiness or well-being that is usually not outwardly evident until a disturbance occurs . . . thus, a man loses his balance and falls when by slipping on the ice his weight is shifted and his legs no longer support him.” Such a loss of balance and subsequent fall can be damaging. Similarly, to lose balance when riding a bicycle or motorcycle can mean a painful or even fatal accident. The value of physical balance is obvious.