Idiotic Statement in Today's Public Talk

by piztjw 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • westiebilly11

    exactly.....the tricycle illustration would be akin to the Trinity they must stick with a bicycle..!

  • Oubliette

    Conflating forward motion with ONLY ENGAGING IN WT APPROVED ACTIVITIES is illogical.

    A person could be moving forward with:

    • Career goals
    • Educational goals
    • Relationships
    • Hobbies
    • Personal growth and development

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • Syme

    Yeah, piztjw, that is a classic illustration. I used it myself some years ago, as another MTS graduate punk elder. What a coincidence, huh?

    Illustrations are the closest JWs have to a proof. They don't know (because they don't read science), that an illustration is used AFTER you've proved a point, in order to explain it, not to prove it. They do it the wrong way, and think they proved something just because they brought up an illustration for it!

  • LisaRose

    Apparently you are supposed to pedal that bicycle as fast as you can until you drop dead of exhaustion. What a stupid illustration.

  • Bella15

    Omg ... that must be Andre's bike

  • prologos

    That is why Jws are so hard to de-program. The gyroscopic actions of the spinning wheels are so strong that the bikes do not fall, even without riders.

    no direction or brains required.

    watch the videos of motorcycle crashes on the Utah Salt salt flats. 200 mph, bike going into the distance sans rider.

    wt message: keep the jws so busy the geloppy machine keeps moving no matter what.

  • williamhconley

    Ride that bicycle without stopping. If you die of dehydration for not stopping to get water, no problem you have a resurrection.

    If your family cant afford a proper funeral for you because all they did was ride the bicycle, no problem ...paradise will fix it.

    If you get ran over for not stopping at the stop sign for not being able to read, no problem as you were obedient by not getting an education.

    If you leave no life insurance or assets for your family because all you did was ride the WT never ending bicycle, no problem in the new world you wont need money.

    The WT dont want you to have a life. All they want is for you to slave for them distributing their literature that will be obsolete in a couple of years. They even specifically spoke against getting married (1940 children book) and against having children (ibid).

  • punkofnice

    punk eldurr

    Wasn't me.

    But think about a bicycle.

    I'm taking my car, sorry.

  • suavojr

    keep riding that fast chariot

  • WTWizard

    I have tried balancing a bicycle at low speeds. The slower you go, the less assistance the wheels give. They act as gyroscopes, and as they slow down, you get less effect from that. However, it is not impossible to balance a bicycle at a full stop. Just ask anyone that has participated in trials.

    Now, there is a speed at which you can balance properly. Going faster than that might get you to your destination quicker or burn more calories, but it is not going to help you balance any better. In fact, just try hitting a bump at an angle at a high speed and see if the speed is going to help you. Also, if you try going too quickly, you are going to burn out and, not only you will go even slower, but your balance will get worse. For most people, this speed is reached where balance is optimal at somewhat above jogging speed, or around 15 km/h (10 MPH).

    I believe this is as true with the ministry as with riding a bicycle. Try going too fast, you burn out and cannot do anything. And you are at risk of hitting something--including a bump at an angle. Anyone else wonder why it is dangerous to do 180 km/h on a motorcycle? If speed was all there is, I would think a motorcycle would be safer to ride at extremely high speeds. Yet, you can balance one at speeds slightly higher than walking speed--more than around 15 km/h, and you get very little benefit from more speed. Same with a bicycle--about all you gain from doing 100 km/h on a bicycle is getting there faster, burning more calories, and boasting rights about that you were able to reach that speed. Not to mention, the risk of something hitting a bump and breaking, say a wheel axle, and sending you face first onto the pavement.

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