Troubling experience at 1 day assembly re: little jw child

by williamhconley 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    The audience laughed and applauded of course

    Yeah, let's celebrate a child's lack of knowledge regarding basic lifesaving procedures. I'm sure the child's ignorance was a great witness to his classmates and teacher.


  • snowbird

    I remember thinking at the time: What if there had been a real fire???


  • wasblind

    Mom : How was your day today caleb

    Caleb : I sat in the office today. The schools psychiatrist tried to call you

    But I told them my great grandma was born in 1914 and you were trynna

    turn your fieldservice report in before she died, cuz that's when the world will end

    Mom : In the office ? Why

    Caleb : The class had a birthday party. I told them they would all be destroyed

    when my great grandma died





  • wasblind

    If anything I hope people wake up for thier childrens sake

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    We know it isn't a real story because every teacher has to make sure all students are out of the building. If anything this story shows how ignorant the WTS really is.

  • wasblind

    Exactly Aunt Fancy


    We know it isn't a real story because every teacher has to make sure all students are out of the building.....Aunt Fancy

    Actually I think the story is true..

    My experience is,the WBT$ will take a story..Then make it fit a preconcieved WBT$ script..

    Thats what happened to me as a little JW Kid,at a WBT$ JW Assembly..


    This time the WBT$ twisted the story.....So it`s even more stupid,than what actually happened..

    The teacher left a kid in the class room?!..Thats very Unlikely..

    Only the WBT$ could "Out Stupid" themselves..

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  • snowbird

    Yeah, it's called creative/theocratic editing.




    Hey Sylvia!..


    I don`t know of anyone who has told an experience from a WBT$ Assembly Stage..

    That didn`t have it edited to fit the WBT$ script..

    My story as a little JW Kid certainly wasn`t told the way it happened..


    A story about..

    A JW Parent forcing their Small Child to provide Free Labour for the WBT$..

    Isn`t going to make it on the WBT$ Assembly Stage..

    ....................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • steve2

    An untrue story. Period.

    No teacher ever - EVER - leaves the room until ALL children have gone outside to the designated area. AND no teacher ever asks a child why they have remained behind - the alarm sounds and you leave. When it comes to fire drill, everyone leaves the room - there is no provision for inquiring why someone stayed behind. There is no reasoning involved. You must leave. Period.

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