Troubling experience at 1 day assembly re: little jw child

by williamhconley 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AlphaMan

    If you look in the " My book of Bible stories " They drew pictures of the Israelites laughin' at the Egyptians drown.


    The JW's would laugh with glee at "worldly people" being destroyed if their Amageddon fantasies came true. The JW religion is very dysfunctional. People need to wake up and get out of the religion so that they can begin a normal happy life for themselves and their children.

  • sparrowdown

    wasblind- too true.

    It's like

    "Look mommy at the funny people dying".

    " That's right son, and wicked boys who wear low rider jeans will die horribly aswell".

    "Ha ha ha, oh mommy you're so funny".

  • sarahsmile

    In the sixties during school we watched holocaust movies and for some reason I thought it was false because it was not Jehovah's day! I barely understood what I was watching!

    My friend and neighbor sitting next to me was crying and so was every one in the auditorium. I told them the films were false so no reason to cry! The world just wants you to be scared. They looked at me with total loathing they explained they were real pictures. I said Jehovah would not allow humans to kill each other in such an awful way! In the third grade, I was so shocked and confused because it was holocaust and not Armageddon.

    Also, something odd happened when my neighbor brought I believe it was a LOOK magazine at the bus stop with full pictures of the assassination of our president. We were taught to basically not care for anything political and to not look at the pictures, because it was Satans organization. It was a young JW way if making a stand for Jehovah. The president was the representative of Satan. The not caring attitude was my JW up bringing toward anything of the world. Very unhealthy. I think with time that taught concept changed.

  • SafeAtHome

    kaik. Please, do not have such a distorted view of teachers in this country today. Yes, there are some bad teachers out there, but the majority care about their students. Think of the 6 teachers and administrators who died at Sandy Hook Elementary trying to shield the students from the gunman. And, no I am not a teacher but volunteered many hours at my daughters school. I was there once during a fire drill and I know for certain that the teacher is the LAST one out of the classroom.

  • snare&racket

    Jesus H Christ..... That was not funny! That is a window into childhood brainwashing right there. They even short circuited the pavlovian fire bell responses!

    In honesty i don't believe the story for a second, just another made up story... Useful to make a point in a talk.


    (some names have been changed, also we made this shit up)

  • wasblind

    " They even short circuited the Pavlovian fire bell responses "_____Snare


    That ain't all they short circuited

    They had the black folk in the Hall I attended

    believin' that Rosa parks, Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln

    shoulda " Waited On The Kingdom "



    And that there's not a damn thing wrong

    In the use of words that been out dated scince slavery times

    like " Field service " and " Overseer "



    Get out of her people, You been emancipated already

    What are you waitin' on !!!!! Jehovah ????



  • whathappened

    There are so many things we as Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to do it would be difficult for a small child to catch every single BAD THING!!!

  • kurtbethel

    This is evidence proof that the Watchtower leaders think it's a big comical chuckle that they have gamed the average JW so completely.

  • kaik

    I heard a lot about WWII from my parents, and also how difficult was the postwar era which lead to rise of the Stalinism. My grandparents house was still aimed by granates as late as 1947 and there was ongoing civil war in the countryside between Sudeten German and Czechs. I think my parents experience was probably reason why the started with JW, but who knows. My aunt was JW since 1950's. I also met several JW who were in concentration camp and they were nice people, but all of them were women. Maybe only women survived. One of the woman told us in the KH when Gestapo was interrogating her and she had a biblical discussion with the guy who was devouted Catholic. He pointed a gun to her and told her to repeal her faith for which she refused. Than he fired a gun into the air. Other JW were held in the other room and only heard the gunshot. The gestapo guy told them that he shoot one of them for not repealing their faith [which was not true] to intimidate and scare them. When the JW heard that the woman did not abandoned her faith, they were prepared to accept the same deal. None of them were killed but sent to prison which I think was Theresianstad in Protectorate. Rather touching story.

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