Has anyone seen or heard of any letters going out from Headquarters to the Body of Elders directing them to inform the congregations not to watch DATELINE? I was wondering if this is really true or just a rumor. If it is true, this is terrible that they can actually deny members freedom of press or punishment. Sounds like the Taliban running things up there in Bethel.
by ARoarer 33 Replies latest jw friends
JWs are extremely curious about what others are saying about them. If the Society tells the rank & file not to watch, you can be sure that far more will watch just because they were told not to. This would backfire just as much as the recent attempts at DF'ing whistleblowers have. The Society was astoundingly stupid to do that, and so it wouldn't surprise me a bit if they're every bit as stupid again and try to forbid watching Dateline. It would be the best advertisement in the world in the JW community.
These recent events make me wonder if there isn't a good God after all. I'm reminded of a biblical passage where God tells Gog of Magog, "I'm going to put hooks in your jaws and lead you around and make you do whatever I please." If God intends to discredit the current Watchtower leadership, I can think of no better way than for him to make them keep doing exactly what they're doing.
Given their curious nature, can we forge a BOE Letter directing them to tell the Rank & File not to watch Dateline so as to ensure MOST JW's will see the program?
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"] -
hi roar,
if they do inform the congs not to watch it,,,, it will only serve to make them sooo curious that they will want to watch it......or tape it and watch it later.
i doubt that they will make a specific annoncement about it.
maybe just a general talk about watching apostate programs or literature.........they have to be sly, you know. -
My thoughts exactly. The damage the WTS did by taking this disfellowshipping action against the whistleblowers at this time is probably more than the Dateline special will do.
I know more than one active Witness who has told me that these folks should consider suing the WTS!!
They wouldn't be THAT stupid now, would they???
Yes, Frenchy, they would!
I've been talking to my sister who is an active dub and hears all of the juicy rumors, and I don't think she's heard peep about it...not yet at least. You know that all of the elders know, at least...what they think they can do with the information, I don't know.
btw, has anyone heard when it(the episode dealing with jws) will be airing?
Guest 77
'To be forewarned is to be forearmed.' The unsuspecting publishers are going to be bombarded with this issue and what kind of defense will they have without having prior warning? Many are not even aware of such information at least not yet. Where does it put them? Harms way. The elders will feed them that it's apostate propaganda. I've already warned my mother and daughter. I told them not to be surprised. As someone has already stated, the org. is going to feed them the persecution propaganda to hide their (org.'s) rears.
As I have said, the die has been cast.
Guest 77