You may have heard all this already, the RBC's being dissolved and being replaced by a specialized team under the Branch direction Guy Pierce of the GB passed away on Tuesday . Had it confirmed by a Brother in Brooklyn. Also, DO's will no longer be around as of September 1, they are being replaced by a Branch rep at All assemblies. Plus all Traveling Brothers will be "Retired" when they reach 70 years old(re-assigned to to a local congregation). You may have heard all this already, thought I would share.
Update From a Friend in Brooklyn
by James Jackson 29 Replies latest members meetups
I had heard of everything except the dissolution of the DOs.
Did your source give a reason for the change?
The dissolution of the DOs is reliable. Cedars has a source too. Kate xx
I find it quite encouraging to see that many are getting updates from various sources. There is definate dissent amoung JWs and especially Bethelites. I suppose many stay in the org because they have become materially dependent and have no family to stay with outside Bethel.
This news about the DOs is a business move by WT to save money recruiting new CO couples. There are plenty of loyal wannabe couples out there but many genuine COs have left because they don't agree with the policies. The DOs are already loyally dependent so will be happy to do the CO role and have a car and a house, that's what they have here in our circuit.
Kate xx
This is the first I've read about the RBC arrangement being dissolved. Is there another thread that discusses this topic?
Does the dissolution of the RBC mean that local JWs who have their social lives wrapped up with quick builds will not have this outlet anymore?
sorry for the double post--
Interesting about the RBC. I know of a couple who have neglected their business recently to work more with the RBC. They are now being forced to sell their home, which is extremely nice, because they cannot afford it. The husband is a recent convert, within the last 5 years, and he had horses, horse trailer, camper, beautiful barns and paddocks and now is losing everything...
Very interesting about the RBCs being dissolved. Will there be fewer KH build and refurbished? And the info about the DOs is also interesting. Many of them were old as the hills anyway.
Found Sheep
when they retire do they get a pention?
No silly Jehovah will provide, or not