Update From a Friend in Brooklyn

by James Jackson 29 Replies latest members meetups

  • fulltimestudent

    They're playing with the whole structure. And that's very interesting. It looks like they are attempting to put their ownership mark on the organisation.

    Some of us may recall what happened to the Worldwide Church of God (Herbert W. Armstrong) when Daddy Herbert died.

    And as an aside, here's one former Church of Godder's memories: http://ironwolf.dangerousgames.com/exwcg/

    Scroll down to Jeff's story.

  • L3G

    James Jackson, please tell us more about the RBCs being dissolved! And more about the forced retirement thing.


  • Syme

    Hey, I hadn't heard of this ''retirement at 70'' feature. Is that for sure? Because it isn't stated anywhere in the March 20 BOE.

  • whathappened

    These changes must have something to do with money or legal issues.

  • problemaddict

    Th DO thing I am familiar with, and a branch rep being at the assemblies is also in line with the transition to a mix of regional District conventions held at circuit buildings instead of only large venues. The AGM being transmitted is the beginning of a switch to that format. Then the big international conventions will be even more froth at the mouth exciting because they will be more rare.

    The RBC is new to me. I suppose it isn't really being dissolved, just changed to a different more top down oversight, as opposed to the regional way it is currently ran.

    Alot of halls have been overspending on their KH. One near me cost 1.7 million.....and it only has 4 congregations and a foreign language group.

  • will-be-apostate

    What the heck does RBC standz for?? Captain?

  • Jeannette

    RBC can stand for Red Blood Cell, or, in this case, Regional Building Committee.

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    More info on the RBC.

    They will not be using that name anymore. Many of the "skilled" workers will retained under the Branch's direction. These individuals will be classified as Fulltime Construction Servants(equal status as Reg Pioneers, Bethelites, etc.).

    Apparently this arrangement has been in place in Europe for 2 years now and very effective. Some reasons given were that many would show up for a build and do little to no work and be in the way of the skilled workers, thus slowing them up. Another was food costs. In our area, it has become common place for 600 volunteers to show up when there were only 200 invited and many times they would run out of food and would over run the food budget. One brother in Accounting told me 4 years ago the average Food budget would be at $6000, now it is common to exceed $12000. Recently on our indoor re-model, we were told to have approx 1200 meals to prepare, yet we served 1900. We had to go out and Buy Pizza and fried Chicken( which in some cases was better then what was served). Our Congregation was in good financial shape since within the last 3 years we lost 2 elderly couples who both "Willed their Homes to the Congregation instead of the Society". Leaving us with $180,000 in the bank. The re-model was Budgeted at $120,000, we spent close to $160,000.

  • OnTheWayOut

    On that last post, I am confident that it is "BECAUSE" someone left the congregation their homes and the congregation had $180,000 that they somehow spent $160,00 of it toward remodeling.

    The "food excuses" while true are still b.s. because the locals provide the food and "the slave" only cares about that as far as the local congregation dipping into what they would otherwise send to New York.

    The new arrangement's real purpose is to overcharge any congregations that have money and to make sure that the corporation literally owns all the Kingdom Halls.

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    OntheWayOut: The "food excuses" while true are still b.s. because the locals provide the food

    For the remodels the Locals provide the food. However for the Quickbuilds, The RBC buys the Food.

    None the less, food costs are "going through the roof".

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