More info on the RBC.
They will not be using that name anymore. Many of the "skilled" workers will retained under the Branch's direction. These individuals will be classified as Fulltime Construction Servants(equal status as Reg Pioneers, Bethelites, etc.).
Apparently this arrangement has been in place in Europe for 2 years now and very effective. Some reasons given were that many would show up for a build and do little to no work and be in the way of the skilled workers, thus slowing them up. Another was food costs. In our area, it has become common place for 600 volunteers to show up when there were only 200 invited and many times they would run out of food and would over run the food budget. One brother in Accounting told me 4 years ago the average Food budget would be at $6000, now it is common to exceed $12000. Recently on our indoor re-model, we were told to have approx 1200 meals to prepare, yet we served 1900. We had to go out and Buy Pizza and fried Chicken( which in some cases was better then what was served). Our Congregation was in good financial shape since within the last 3 years we lost 2 elderly couples who both "Willed their Homes to the Congregation instead of the Society". Leaving us with $180,000 in the bank. The re-model was Budgeted at $120,000, we spent close to $160,000.