So my wife is slowly waking up! But cognitive dissonance is thick indeed! My wife knows the GB are false in many ways but she still holds to the "theyre more right than others!"
I told her that we dont know because we havent really seen what others preach...she agreed. She is scared of apostate material...she wants to move and be free but her callused and doctrinated mind still sees truth insome of this.
so i told her that of course thered be some truths....if it was all false then all would leave! Anyways i herd your wise counsl again!
Since we are inforeign territory lets learn together! What shall i present my wife with? Ive expressd views of ray franz, "real apostates", criticism to the org--and she still holds on to some things...saying franzs book is only a perspective...of courseni told her to read it...
But should i firs give her cult examples to notice? Should i be more critical to the FDS/GB? She already knows and agrees they are false...
Or should i go scriptural?