1)When did this war breakout or did I miss it.
Many commentators conclude that the battle between Michael
and the dragon occurs roughly at the start of the church age.
Some even argue that the battleground is the Church itself.
Others say this scene describes the dispute between Michael
and Satan for the body of Moses (Jude 9) or the long-ago
rebellion of Angels who did not keep their own position (Jude 6).
2)Where is this heavenly battlegroung?
Some research I have done and I can't believe what people are
saying. LOL
2 Cor: 12,2 talks about a third Heaven, maybe in this 3rd heaven
they will due battle.
The other two heavens to which the scriptures allude, the atmospheric
and Celestial heaven Satan has access to the throne of God based
on Job 1 which comprise the Physical heavens as opposed to the
third heaven or spiritual reality in which God dwells. Ok battle around
God's throne.
However it doesn't make much sense that Michael and Satan would
duke it out in the skies, amidst the fowls of the air and the storm
clouds, the falling debris (like dead angels) or among the galaxies.
So where and when does this war supposedly to take place, Scholars???