In the past when I was a JW, I've known rational people who were reduced to a state of terror in the belief that were under demonic attack. Do not dismiss the probablity that the primitive fears of early humans still exist in the neural circuits of our minds.
By saying things like magic are bad, do the WTS imply that it exists?
by DuvanMuvan 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Moses and Aaron cast their Rod and it became a serpent,
a miracle. Pharaoh's guys cast their rods and it's magic.
What's the difference?? But still it was a hell of a magic trick.
I would love to know how they(Moses/Aaron and wise men) pulled
that off.
Smurfs did it!
Smurfs cast a rod and it became a serpent. LOL
DuvanMuvan - "'s not like it'll make the jws look like a bunch of superstitious idiot's or anything"
Never underestimate the reliability of a solid, well-worn scare tactic.
'Cause that shit works.