I have always wondered how JWs believe about "post-Armaggeddon" earth. Question#1 How will JWs survivors bury all of the dead bodies. With about 4 billion people on earth today how can 8 million JW(1/2 of them children and babies) bury all of those dead bodies? And where will they bury them? The earth most likely will be a total disaster so where will JWs survivors get the tools to dig graves? I have been told years ago by elders that Jehovah will cause the birds to come down and eat the human remains. But if the birds are going to act will and start eating dead bodies wouldn't they start attacking JWs that are trying to bury the bodies? And the smell how will JWs stand the smell of 4 billion dead bodies especially when the sun is out and it is hot. What will JWs survivors eat to live. Wouldn't all the vegetation be ruined by Armaggeddon? Will they eat meat? These are just some interesting questions that sometimes make me believe that Armaggeddon is just a "big" fairytale.
There are some questions I have had about the JWs view "post-Armaggeddon"
by booker-t 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Actual WT doctrine is, that Jehovah will solve this problem in a simlar matter (maybe special radiation), like Noah and his familiy had nothing to do with dead bodys.
Gerritt Lösch told on his last Zone visit in Europe (2011) the total opposit - that we will have to bury all of the dead bodies - but the actual WT literature does not support this.
*** w73 6/1 p. 346 A Cleansed Earth ***
The prophecy of Revelation also describes the destruction of Satan’s earthly forces, giving the invitation to the birds to come to “the great evening meal of God.” (Rev. 19:17) On a previous occasion an avowed enemy of God was devoured by dogs, leaving only a few bones to bury. (2 Ki. 9:30-37) But the animals could never dispose of all those slain at Har–Magedon. Hence, the Almighty God will doubtless use some highly scientific means at his disposal to get rid of the surplus of the decaying bodies in a speedy and sanitary way. We remember that Noah and his seven fellow survivors of the global deluge were not burdened with burying the human victims of that world catastrophe after they came out of the ark and renewed Jehovah’s worship on earth.—Gen. 8:18-22.*** kj chap. 20 p. 377 par. 22 Land of Magog No More to Threaten Mankind ***
22 The fact that Jehovah leaves the bodies of those slain at the defeat of Gog’s attack lying exposed on the ground for birds and wild beasts to gorge themselves upon symbolizes that they will not be laid in respected memorial tombs in hope of a resurrection for them. The unburied dead, “those slain by Jehovah,” will be so enormously many that even the carrion birds and scavenging wild beasts could never take care of their consumption. The burial of even what remains after these lower creatures have their fill would be stupendous. Doubtless the Almighty God will use some highly scientific means, whether including antimatter or not, to dispose of the surplus of decaying bodies in a speedy and sanitary way. This remains for the survivors of the “war of the great day” to see and witness. We remember that Noah and his seven fellow survivors of the global Deluge were not burdened with burying the human victims of that world catastrophe after they came out of the ark and renewed Jehovah’s worship on earth.—Genesis 8:18-22. -
booker-t - what JW's view as armageddon is a mixing of several different events and timelines as well as whether it's worldwide or in a certain location.
This isn't really the JW view, but it's interesting what Ezekiel 38/39 speaks about an event that JW's apply to themselves. JW's say they will be surrounded or attacked after false religion is wiped out, then God destroys everybody else.
They get that from Ezekiel 38 and 39. If you read teh whole chapter its actually talking about israel being scattered then rejoined as a nation. They still aren't serving God. Then they are surrounded by armies and as they go to attack them, fire comes down from heaven and they are destroyed, another scripture I think in zephaniah or zechariah says some of those who come up against them will have their flesh rot while yet alive.
They will have to gather and bury for 7 years all those of gogs crowd in the valley of Gogs crowd. Anybody who isn't one designated to collect and bury bodies if they pass one must leave a marker for others to see to collect it. Also it says the birds and beasts of the field will eat them too.
What does have my interest on those scriptures is they predicted Israel being scattered, they predicted them being rejoined as a nation, and with all the middle east against them, it's interesting if any of it is related or a huge coincidence.
On the other end of it, I can see those in 70CE, when Jesus said they should run when Jerusalem is surrounded by armies saying, "NO,,,,,,it says in Ezekiel that fire will wipe out the armies. "
St George of England
I personally do not believe the Big A will ever happen, but if it did, JW's simply would not be able to cope.
Look at a natural disaster such as the earthquake in Haiti in 2010 when 'just' 100,000, not 6 billion, died. The emergency services of the world could not cope and nearly four years on there is much to be done. Eight million JW's, mostly uneducated, would have no chance of dealing with such a disaster.
Of course if you raise this the standard answer will be "Nothing is beyond Jehovah" or such like comment.
I thought they point to the scripture that talks about the dead will be a feast for the birds thus every dead body after the Big A will be bird food...
EOM - What do you feel differentiates Ezekiel 38,39 from Revelation 20:7-10? I can appreciate that they may be different events, but the wording and progression of events is very similar. The result is the same as we'll fire comes from heaven to destroy them.
The bodies will start flashing and then disappear like in the old side-scrolling fighting (beat 'em up) games.
objectivetruth - They do seem to be the same event. On the JW aspect, since they take Ez 38/39 to be about them and really disgarding most of what those chapters say to mean governments will turn on them after false religion then armageddon, is that if they are the same event, then it happens at the END of the 1,000 year reign according to Revelation.
Also it does not show a wiping out of everybody either.
In Ez 39:27-28 it says how God had 'concealed' himself. (which would answer those who ask where he is and why isn't he making himself obvious), and he uses this event to 'santify himself before the eyes of many nations'. Other scriptures show only those attacking them are destroyed by the fire from heaven. The world is a witness to this event.
Revelation 19 is one example of how so called armagedon may not be a one time event. In chapter 19 did that event ever happen? In 19:19 the wild beast and kings of the earth and their armies gathered and when the one seated on the white horse defeats them the wild beast and false prophet are tossed into the lake of fire. Everyone else is killed by the one seated on the horse.
In Rev 20, it shows after 1,000 years satan is let loose, gog and magog gather for war, surround camp and fire comes down and destroys them, and the devil is tossed in the lake of fire, where beast and prophet from previous worldevent already were at.
Gotta do more research but that does show 2 events. The specific event of Ez 39 and Rev 20 could be the same at the end of the 1,000 year reign but without digging up a lot of notes I have, I took Ez 39 and Rev 19 to be the start of the 1,000 year reign and Rev 20 to be the end, although still a chance to me they are speaking about the same event. I took into consideration other books such as Zephaniah, Zechariah, Jeremiah, etc.
JWs don't think about such things much.
Somehow it will just all work out.