The elders expectation is to become "chieftans of men" and occupy a position in the hierarchy that they couldn't attain, pre-Armageddon.
There are some questions I have had about the JWs view "post-Armaggeddon"
by booker-t 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Honestly, most rank-and-filers don't give it a whole lot of thought...
...I suspect because all the logical questions that would result from any in-depth analysis (and subsequent lack of satisfying answers) run the risk of calling the entire edifice into question, much like the Deluge account in Genesis.
Mostly, they're concernied with being dutiful enough to survive the Big A; the ones who really think past that event are few and far between.
Quite right Vidiot...Any pesky questions are simply answered " We must just leave it all in Jehovah's hands. He is capable of doing anything and we trust him"
Wasnt there a recent WT about not speculating? A good JW would just trust "Jehovah and his erthly organiztion" to work it all out.
I remember as a child, the crows seemed to be growing in number in Westen New York and Southern Ontario. My father would tell me that it is a sign that Armageddon is very close, since Jehovah was making sure there were enough birds around to eat the corpses.
Back in 1974 when everyone was on pins and needles about the start of the Tribulation. I remember a middle aged brother commenting at the Watchtower study saying "Scientists have seen a worldwide increase in carrion birds in the last few years and we know that this is how Jehovah will take care of the dead after Armageddon."
The Study Conductor said "There's no proof of any such thing, lets restrict our comments to the information in the paragraph."
You could have heard a pin drop.
This is what happens when ignorant unscientific people write religious literature.
They write utter nonsense.
Antimatter is powerful stuff. When it comes into contact with matter they are mutually annihilated. This releases tremendous amounts of energy. Billions of bodies coming into contact with antimatter would have the same effect as millions of nuclear bombs exploding.
"Paradise earth" would be a molten slag heap.
Jesus said salvation is from the Jews.
If you read the Greek scriptures and just read it,as if it applied to you,
you will find no support for any of the WT doctrines. "Classes"
(earthly, heAvenly,"faithful and discreet" "class" ) It is an invention
to create a clergy class and not call it clergy. READ Mattew 25 there were
TWO faithful and discreet slaves. Break free from these WT doctrines.
I was enslaved to this belief system for 30 years.
The SDA Seventh Day Adventists and others, do not believe the earth
will be destroyed, as the scriptures say, it will endure forever, they believe
also in living on earth but in "spiritualized bodies" or in non-material forms.
The more you learn about physics the more you see things in terms of energy
and quarks and particles and waves and other dimensions , some of us believe
the Bible is somewhat historical and allegorical and symbolic and that science
describes the universe, and makes it all the more mysterious. The fundamental
approach to try to nail down every detail of what happens next and how a paradise
earth will operate is a huge waste of time, since no one knows what happens next
or what actually happens after death. Some think there are actual Mansions they
are going to since Jesus said "My father's house has many mansions " If you really
read what is presented as Jesus words, he was very mystical and spoke in non
material terms of some other dimension he could not explain because no-one
would get it. Its an unknown, All we can hope is to survive death in some
consciousness , that would be enough for me.