I wanted to express appreciation to the members of this forum. There are resources here that are deep. Like we heard from the stage, "what is your depth and breadth of bible knowledge?" Also, "if someone throws a bucket into your well, do they hear a refreshing splash or an irritating thud?" Well, I have found a refreshing splash after casting my bucket in this well. Thank you all for that.
I will be disfellowshipped soon. Just waiting for the announcement. The grounds are "apostasy," because I gave a deposition "in opposition to the watchtower" in an abuse case, and "spoke abusively of the glorious ones." Rather than telling the elders, "I am sorry for my stand," I told them "I am proud of my actions in this case."
As you can imagine, the Watchtower Machine proceeded with the expected outcome. These 'elders have ice water in their viens.' (By the way, that preceding statement is an example of "speaking against the glorious ones." ) When they label me an "apostate", it will be a badge of honor that I can wear proudly.
As far as details of the case, I have to guard what I say for the sake of the victim's privacy. Please do not ask or even speculate. Storm clouds are coming because of fallout from the case, and the actions by the elders. Not only the victim could be hurt, but other family members as well. We must be so careful with this information, as many members of this forum already know.
The case has ended at summary judgment. First Amendment rights.
I chose my name to say that I will use the rest of my life to use this experience to "Make Lemonade from lemons".