This is my first post

by Make Lemonade 126 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • clarity

    Have a great day your 'star wars' stuff!


    We have another Newbie here.. stuckinarut2 ...welcome,

    look forward to your story too!


    Loveyourneighbor & baldeagle very new yourselves,

    thanx for supporting the new members .........

    nice to see you both again...keep in touch!


  • Londo111

    Welcome! Glad to here a report from somebody in the front lines!

  • straightshooter

    Welcome and thanks for being so brave in standing up for what is right.

  • flipper

    MAKE LEMONADE- Welcome to the board ! And I'm proud of you that you fought for justice against the WT Society and fought on behalf of abuse victims. You are to be commended indeed. Unfortunately we live in a society that minimizes the danger of child abuse and when you throw religions in the mix- including Jehovah's Witnesses- the wheels of justice turn even slower or are almost non-existent within church ppolicies. It's disgusting. But it takes good , caring people like you to stand up for what is right to be a voice for justice. Congratulations to you for doing that. Keep up the good work. We are here as a support for you, O.K. ? Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • truthseekeriam

    What a way to go out!! Standing up for the most innocent, good for you!!

  • Make Lemonade
    Make Lemonade


    We (family, friends, and victim) are talking about what can be done to help others. The balance is not to hurt the victim, but to help others avoid the emotional pain. Our discussions are about carefully considerating what will be best for all.

    Your insights would be greatly appreciated and of value right now.

    The father is now livid. Last night he told me the WT. lawyers are giving him an ultimatum. Sign an agreement not appeal or we will sue you for court cost (est. $25,000 to $30,000)

    To the father this is salt in the wounds. At the end of his deposition the four WT. lawyers apologized for what had happened to his daughter. His view of this ultimatum is that it betrays a lack of sincerity about the apology given.

    The expression that comes to mind is: "nothing personal just business"

  • KateWild

    The expression that comes to mind is: "nothing personal just business" - Make Lemonade


    I totally agree. My advice would be put the victim first, the father is livid but how is the victim? Is he/she another Candace Conti or do they just want some peace now. If they don't sign the agreement they could be in for years of court battles, many have taken on WT in the courts, but not everyone has it in them.

    I fought for three years in court, I am glad I did. My son know I did my best for him, but enough is enough, there comes a time where the loser has to accept they have lost and move on. The justice system is not always fair.

    I will just repeat my advice, put the victim first. Does the victim want to fight or move on with their life?

    Kate xx

  • AlphaMan

    The father is now livid. Last night he told me the WT. lawyers are giving him an ultimatum. Sign an agreement not appeal or we will sue you for court cost (est. $25,000 to $30,000)

    To the father this is salt in the wounds. At the end of his deposition the four WT. lawyers apologized for what had happened to his daughter. His view of this ultimatum is that it betrays a lack of sincerity about the apology given.


    This makes me livid. Those despicable Watchtower bastards. Anytime a con-job elder, or a JW that has connections cheats someone the Watchtower is the first one who counsels that "you shouldn't sue a brother". The Watchtower corporation cult know no limit to their hypocrisy.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The WTB&TS has lied to you and asked you to act dishonestly on their behalf.

    Now they are "disfellowshipping" you, thus marking you as one who will not believe lies and acts in accord with your OWN conscience.

    This is indeed something to be proud of!

    We welcome you, and we are glad to have you join us!

  • Phaedra

    Welcome, ML.

    You are among some good company.


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