I found this on YouTube...Very good example of twisted reasoning by elders.
Recorded conversations with Elders by a former Pioneer....A series
by Watchtower-Free 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I found this on YouTube...Very good example of twisted reasoning by elders.
Recorded conversations with Elders by a former Pioneer....A series
most elders are clueless when it comes to the scriptures.
I found the same thing while discussing doubts, they have memorized a the few key scriptures for each subject per the dogma. Once you expose them to other scriptures that don't agree they go clueless. I did that with two elders on the blood doctrine and they actually got up from my house saying they would do more research and then ran away.
His second meeting with elders is now on his channel
I like this guy, I listen to 8 of the recordings don't know were the other 2 are yet but hes not pulling any punches, telling it like it is, LOL.
Saving this for later
Will listen later
One of the best elder meeting recordings I've heard in terms of the defense put forth by the "accused".