Letter to Governing Body .Recorded conversations with Elders
by Watchtower-Free 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
cha ching
It is so sad to see such nice people (like the 'brother' doing the video) be so disappointed by WT...
Yet, it is also encouraging to see him wake up, think, put things together, and think like many of us.
I love when the WT is 'hoisted by their own petard.'
That means that TTAT is becoming more and more evident.
Thanks for the link.
Just heard this recording....I wonder when he gets df'd??
These videos always remind me of an anecdote told by someone here (can't remember who) about bookstudy conductor who'd gotten so impatient and flustered with the group that he'd blurted out, "I don't care what the Bible says, I care what the Watchtower says!", and the subsequent awkward silence and stares.
These brothers do show Love for him, and they TRY at least. They didn't come back with a "The Light Get's brighter comment" for every point he prought up..
The issue is that most JW are Spiritual Babes.
Liked it
really good stuff - worth a listen
the accused brother really keeps his head and, in a respectful way, makes the brothers and the organization look absolutey laughable.
Elders should just say - "the governing body demands conformity - are you in or out?" When they try to go down this long road of predictable scriptures in a meager attempt to justify it all, it just becomes an embarrassing mess.
I listened to all ten parts.. Great recording. He did a great job avoiding the loyalty thing because he kept saying "i have questions" and "if you have evidence I will believe it.. show me the evidence" of course they could not.
I especially liked the actual letter to the GB. Very concise and logical and well put.