I have become a fan of Russell Brand. I love witty, intellectual humor. I don't mean his movies. I am talking his appearances on Conan O Brien and youtube stand up. He can get a little spazzy, but he is much more intellectual than say Jim Carrey or Robin Williams.
Who loves a good laugh? Comedy thread.
by FlyingHighNow 40 Replies latest social humour
Truck jacker can't drive
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzB31t6H-N0Fleeing criminal's car needs a push
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOwh0KovPCcCar mechanic: how to treat an overheated engine
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-kDAL-8VSERed Bull(s**t) jump
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN9uzwNVDvMPoor Parkour
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQNn_MimX3MLooking flash on a boat goes bad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsgj4AmIfBkCursing preacher
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY04Jv7glJY911: my name is Joan Mayo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDMjaV5pmmI -
I've been getting a huge kick out of Second City Network's you tube videos. The Sassy Gay Friend videos are very funny.
Here's one for starters:
Jam, the Jdub/God Satan joke is funny!
I didn't get the golf joke either but it was funny after you explained it.
Snoozy: That was funny too. Long read for me but worth it. Ha!
A prostitute goes to the Doctor and says "Doc, I think I'm pregnant", the Doc checks and assures her she is, and asks, "Do you know who the father is ?", the Lady of the Night replies, "I'm not being rude Doc, but if you ate a tin of beans, could you tell which one made you fart ?"....
A Hypnotost is performing in a theatre and says he is going to hypnotise the whole audince, he takes out a pocket watch on a chain, he explains this watch belonged to his great-great grandfather, and so is very dear to him, he swings it gently from side to side, all the while saying "You are going under, you are going under".
All of a sudden, the chain breaks, the watch falls to the floor and smashes to smithereens, the Hypnotist shouts " Oh Shit !!".
He was never invited back to that Theatre again......
An old GB member invites his 3 sons to join him in his own home over the "Winter Vacation" period as he calls Christmas. The first son comes down in the morning and daddy saks " How did you sleep son ?" , the son replies, "Great Dad, I dreamed of |heaven!" , "What was it like?" says dad, "Just like home dad", "Good boy says dad, "Come and join me here by the fire".
Exactly the same thing happens with son No. 2 "Come and join me by the fire". Son No.3 comes down, he has become an inactive doubting JW, but daddy invited him anyway, so asks "How did you sleep son?" , No 3 replies "Terrible dad, I dreamed of Hell", dad says "You know we don't really believe in Hell son, bit what was it like ?"
"Just like home dad, you couldn't see the fire for JW's ! "......
A woman says to her husband "I want a boob job, I want bigger boobs ". her husband says "We can't afford that, why don't you rub a bit of tissue between your cleavage everyday ?" , she replies "That won't make my boobs bigger, Hubby says "Why not ? it worked for your arse !"
Three brothers ( triplets ) always frequent the same bar and have 3 beers.this goes on for years.
Life goes on and 2 of the 3 emigrate.
The brother who is left goes to the same bar and always orders 3 beers explaining to the bartender he still feels he is having a beer with his brothers.
One day he goes to the bar and says to the bartender 2 beers, thebar tender thinks..oh something must have happened to one of the brothers,
He is sympathetic and asks.." 2 beers? I hope nothing has happened to one of your brothers? ".
Oh no he says they're fine.... I'm off the beer !!!
Funny jokes, guys.
From an old Slappy White record:
A lady goes into the doctor and pleads for help: "Doctor, doctor, every time I drink, I want to make passionate love." The doctor, not missing a beat, "Well, let's sit down, have a drink and talk it overrr."
"Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee And I'll forgive Thy great big one on ME."- ROBERT FROST