what is wrong with WT's "--Will not pass AWAY--" write-ups?

by prologos 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • prologos

    "-- this generation will not pass away until ALL these things occur--" Jesus in Math. 24

    what are THESE THINGS? disasters bigger than the flood? mentioned in the context! The dinosaur exstinction? Armageddon?

    according to the latest WT write-up, (wt July 15 2013) : the ANOINTED WILL PASS AWAY -- BEFORE -- the disaster of disasters, aka ARMAGEDDON occurs.

    The only survivors (according to WT promises) will be the so-called 'Great Crowd of Other Sheep"??--- but wait:

    They are NOT the overlapping generation, NO, -- it is the (ever increasing) remnant of the ANOINTED, in it's 3 groups! (we love that idea) that is the generation that Jesus had in mind.

    so Wt apologists, what is it?

    is the stretched generation the anointed? then they should survive Armageddon (not pass away before it ALL happens) or

    is the stretching generation the low R&F, the "- flesh that will be saved-" the cleaner- uppers and panda petters? as you taught before?

    either way, brooklyn/patterson has some ex-splane - ing to do

  • kaik

    The issue is what is meant under generation. WT could even maintain the lifespan of Enoch or Metuzalem as a proof of one generation.

  • WTWizard

    That's what happens when you add a lie to another lie. First, the original generation was the group of people alive when the sermon was spoken. The fulfillment happened in 70 CE; the sermon was given in 33 CE. Problem solved. It's just that doing it that way would take the "Armageddon is right around the corner" factor. We don't have anything to worry about joke-hova coming to fix anything soon.

    Second, the whole thing was written up in order to enslave mankind. You get people frightened that judgment is coming, they go to church (or to boasting sessions) and put psychic energy into the real messiah coming to enslave us all. They pray for it to come, and they are effectively praying for their own damnation and that of the whole human race. Part of the black magick written right in the damnation book itself--and the washtowel seizes the chance to add its own black magick working on top of that. Now, take the whole thing away, again your "a generation" issue is solved. It was all a great big fib, so the only thing we have to worry about is the communism that they are trying to establish going global, then universal.

  • prologos

    the issue is not the 'generation' one way or the other, of course overlapping plus i group added, is bi-zarre. no.

    the issue is that wt terminates the anointed lifespan short of Armageddon, when according to Jesus, that MAJOR event is part of 'ALL the things' that have to occur (supposedly)

    so it can not be the anointed, for only the OS pass the big A.Wt is wrong to have called the generation the anointed, they have proved it to be wrong by predicting/ decreeing their demise in the GT.

    They "love the idea", but love is blind and in this case wrong. they will have to divorce from one or the other of those definitions.

  • prologos

    kalk: true:-- it deals with the generation LENGTH, but wt has defind that length to END BEFORE Armageddon, and that is wrong, because

    Armageddon would be included, it would be the MAJOR part of "ALL these things to occur".

    BSW: Do you know Ricany, Radowowicze? east of Praha? I do.

  • kaik

    Yes, I know Ricany. I was at that area six months ago.

    WT will most likely say that anointed are through multiple generations, but the Armageddon will happen only with one.

  • prologos

    kalk no, you pin-pointed the problem, they (wt writers) are saying Armageddon will NOT happen WITHin the earthly lifetime of any anointed, generated or not.

  • jonahstourguide

    That's a good question and I am aware of that being queried after a

    recent wt, it immediately jarred. I think it was the one you referenced.

    I'm just an average joe trying to understand this stuff, and researching references, so,

    as you know, before any apologists have a shot at this, it's inexplicable. And I

    am blowed if I know. The only explanation that I could construe is in the fashion of

    The Goon show "maybe they're not really deaded Neddy, you are only seeing this from a

    human stand point Neddy" he heeeee.

    It's a bit like trying to prove the overlapping generation scripturally. No can do.

    So the position is, we gotta believe what the gb says no questions asked.


  • jonahstourguide

    The wbts have erroneously attempted to put a date into this passage for the followers for some years.

    There appears no way logically that they can claw back the errors that have been made without

    coming clean and stop fabricating a philosophy to enhance a failed prediction.

    The only way to fix a blown piston in an internal combustion engine is to replace it with a new one.

    As any engine builder knows, the new piston has to be balanced to match the existing ones. For a high

    performance engine this is critical, if not done properly it can destroy the complete engine due to imbalance.

    At the moment we are looking at a seriously unbalanced engine due to the continual incorrect and unbalanced

    piston replacements by incompetent mechanics. Nothing matches up !

    My two bobs worth


  • mynameislame

    I think they are trying to obfuscate things until the become so incomprehensible that nobody understands them. Everyone just assumes that the next guy must understand it but they have been trained not to ask so they just accept it.

    If they are saying the anointed will pass away before the big A, I wonder if it is to curtail rogue partakers. Seems like that could backfire

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