what is wrong with WT's "--Will not pass AWAY--" write-ups?

by prologos 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • prologos

    When the account says "will not PASS away" it defines a TIME period. but it uses a human life-span as a chronometer, a clock, - not the most accurate one.

    when the account says "all these things" it defines what HAPPENS during the end times, and the wt 'Armageddon' is the end of the end, it is included, (although not mentioned by name) in "all these things.", the events.

    wt writers, by making it the 'anointed' generation rather than the generic, normal one, made a really wrong move and

    by predicting that this 'anointed generation' would die BEFORE the end of the end clinched their anti - truth* revelation.

    * if the work of the later BIBLE AUTHORS can be defined as TRUTH, starting with the talking snake.

  • L3G

    prologos, nice pun. Do you think he'll get it?

    either way, brooklyn/patterson has some ex-splane - ing to do

  • steve2

    For millenia, "mere" followers have not worried their poor little minds over doctrinal intricacies; they have willingly left "hard to fathom" things to their leaders.

  • prologos

    L3G for some there is no such thing as bad publicity, but he would take his image, his beliefs very seriously, and they "like this idea" perhaps for it's originator.

    but to tie it all together, if the heavenly rapture is in the future, in a plane you would have a head start, it would be exit-s'plane-ing.

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