How Do You Come to Terms with Being Just One of the 7 Billion?

by will-be-apostate 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bella15

    You are an unique being among 7 billion - never in the history of the universe or human story there was nor will be someone like you! When I think about this it makes me feel happy and worthy, despite my ups and downs during my life term, and likes and dislikes about this vessel of mine (body), i am happy to be alive and have to come into existence!

    I now know that I a part of a whole, i am part of Creation and God or the Universe, or Divinity takes care of me, moreover, that Divinity has to take care of me becuase I am his creation - he is my Adonai! (I am speaking in very universal terms there ... lol). I now understand that I didn't ask to be born, I came into existence as part of this beatiful Universe and Creator God takes care of me as I see myself as one with Him and everything else in this universe.

    Be aware/consious of yourself. Within you there is God power, there is a substance to build the empire of your dreams, you are here in this universe at the right time, you are a very much needed piece to complete this beautiful tapestry of humans. You are giving life, form to this forum for example, your thoughts, words are evoking emotions, thoughts, feelings in others that may change their lives and so on goes the chain ... you are a very special link.

    Now, everyone that works contributes to a whole, from the janitor to cleans the office to the President of the company that leads us all with the vision - at the end in my line of business we can all say - I built that refinery, I built that toll-road, I built that bridge, I built that pipeline.

    You are made for greatness I see it in what you have written. It is never too late to be what you might have become. I am 45 now, and I have accomplished so much in the past 5 years (time when the JW blindfold came of). I remember thinking that it was too late at the beginning, I cried a lot, felt like a victim, but then I got mad at the WTCorporation and everyone that dare to see me as less because I was not one of them anymore. I swore that CORPORATION was not going to take a SECOND of my life anymore. If you feel you're done, you are letting that CORPORATION control your life, steal your dreams, destroy your future, kill you.

  • jgnat

    Not a JW here, but I had to rebuild after leaving an abusive husband. The spunk to keep going in spite of the odds, that's something. It's not a zero.

    1. Tell a child they are doing a great job
    2. Plant a tree
    3. Pass on a bit of knowledge to a co-worker
    4. Send a thank-you card
    5. Commit a random act of kindness
    6. Open a door for the disabled or elderly
    7. Smile to a stranger
    8. Throw a starfish back in to the sea
    9. Start a blog and pick up two readers
    10. Stand on a street corner offering free hugs
    11. Write your local politician about an issue that matters
    12. Keep a promise
    13. Make a promise
    14. Join a greeter's group at your campus or small town
    15. Develop a personal vision/mission statement
    16. Propose a guinness world record event for your community
    17. Be the first to join an iconoclast, to take her idea viral

    Ripples, my friend. Ripples.

  • NeverKnew


  • NewYork44M

    Stand on a street corner offering free hugs

    I might get arrested.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    I must clarify, in reference to you post about most of us sounding like believers: I haven't stopped reading since I learned TTATT, to the point where I am not a "believer". (My, how things can change in one year). I just enjoying reading all that I missed out on in the form of Hitchens, Dawkins and Sam Harris. Personally, I find listening to Sam Harris on CD incredibly motivating.

    I love quotes. A couple that matter to me are:

    "Howlovely to think that no one need wait a moment, we can start now, start slowly changing the world". Anne Frank

    "Despite everything, I still believe that people really are good at heart". Also, Anne Frank

    "Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put all together that overwhelm the world". Desmond Tutu

    Carpe Diem

  • Bella15

    I love that Desmond Tutu quote. Beautiful.

  • objectivetruth

    Wrong Thread

  • snare&racket

    No longer just a sheep, the world is yours to mould and change as YOU see fit.... You can do and be anything you want, this is as far from depressong as possible. The problem is, you have yet to realise what is possible in the real world, you are stillbasing your assumptions on a Watchtower perspective of the world.

    Think of all the umans that have existed on the earth, going back over 250,000 years.... How do you think they, we,...all got on without being a follower of 8 window cleaners in a Brooklyn factory?

    it's because shat they told a lie.....

  • will-be-apostate

    Hi to all of you who posted on this thread. You shared some valuable thoughts and quotes. I'd like to say something nice but I was working for the past 12 hours and have literally no energy to phrase more complex sentences. Rise and shine you from the west, I'm gonna go to bed now.

  • Gregor

    Well, i have DNA, fingerprints and social security number. Otherwise, I am just a bug...?

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