Or how bout this.....the mediterranean sea used to be open land. humans were not world wide, so the flood covered the area where they had spread, within the mediterranean sea.
Pondering Noah account
by problemaddict 34 Replies latest jw friends
Then why an ark that took 80 yrs to build and why save the animals?
With all of animalkind on one boat, if he decided to eat any animals, he was wiping out future species, even after they were put on the ark to repopulate the planet. How insane is that!
Yes and in reality that is the only thing he could eat. Let us remember that the flood would have had to kill every plant on earth as well, since the entire planet was under water for months. So as soon as Noah steps out of the boat, there is mud as far as the eye can see without a single plant in sight - all of sudden those animals are looking pretty tasty.
Now consider the millions upon millions of plants on earth today, where did they come from? Did Jehoober go around planting them again? What did those 8 people eat during the months that would take all the plants to start growing again? Someone should give Jehoover a hint on how to solve problem. I mean killing 99.9 percent of animals along with all plant species, just to kill a small amount of humans. What a colossal blunder!
that whole region went under, even beyond where the sea lies today. Look at a map, imagine the whole area including the black sea, etc. all under. It makes sense that the ark then would have landed in the mountains of turkey. The animals for food and to help repopulate the area.
They are also finding in the black sea, med sea, etc, off the coasts evidence of settlements in those areas that are underwater.
There is no way that the animals on the ark could be the ancestors of the huge variety of animals today. JWs must accept super-evolution. They must also accept that Noah and his family were having incest and then super-evolution of humans took place as well. The WTBTS will be forced to claim this in time. They will accept super-adaptation first, just like micro-evolution/adaptation [ per WTBTS].
Major Ice Age that lowered Sea levels and exposed land bridges
between the continents. The ocean depth between some continents
is so great that even a significant drop in sea level would not expose
land bridges. In addition, some species would have difficulty using
the know bridges. The distances would be too great for slow delicate
species. Other species couldn't tolerate the temperatures, such as
the cold of the land bridge between Siberia and Alaska.
And plant life would have suffered irreparable damage, buried by
hundreds of feet of sediment.
I think Jesus debunked the idea of an earth-wide flood.
his end -of -the - world prophecy that mentioned the flood example was fulfilled locally, only in 70 CE. Jerusalem, (1914 notwithstanding) so
the great tribulation was local, the flood was local.
Coalas, Platipie, Pandas never moved.
We've driven enough species to the brink of extinction and tried to bring them back via captive breeding projects to have a good handle on this by now.
What is the minimum size of a successful breeding group for most higher mammals? Seventy-five or so?
I believe it is 74-100 TD depending on the rate of reproduction and a host of other factors.
Yeah there is no apologetics out of it. I forgot abotu the 7 of some species, which once again makes the housing, birthing, feeding, and transport of these animals completely ridiculous.
Consider how these animals would have been attached to the ark if there food source was there. Especially when they get out....at the top of Mt Ararat! They have to scale down the mountain to even somehow live a normal life.
I suppose they could have been talking about rabbits? They reproduce fast, and are delicious. But they eat green things, of which there would have been none.
My wife believes in a local event being described in the bible now, not a global one (whew). But even that leaves the story of this big, wooden, unseaworthy vessel, and its stories of animals. This I think is shaking her faith in the bible completely, because she is coming to believe it is a mythological story, not just a misinterpreted story. In some ways......I am coming to grips with that myself.
I'm guessing penguins were able to fly their way over to the ark and decided that there were enough flying birds in the world already so they'd swim for the rest of their liveS once they returned back to the Antarctic