LOL, if it helps, the Noah story is made from two different ancient documents that have been combined- in one, god is Elohim, and in the other YHWH- that is why there is a contradiction between the numbers of pairs that were to go into the Ark, LOL. It would be easy to see this if it was read in the original Hebrew language.
Pondering Noah account
by problemaddict 34 Replies latest jw friends
They will accept super-adaptation first, just like micro-evolution/adaptation [ per WTBTS].
I think the Society feels that things are well enough as it is. They've already acknowledged in the Insight article on "Flood" that micro-evolution potentially took place to create all the modern species, and probably see no need to quibble over the actual rate of said evolution, since I doubt that many people are questioning them on this point.
Yes and in reality that is the only thing he could eat. Let us remember that the flood would have had to kill every plant on earth as well, since the entire planet was under water for months.
I suppose they could have been talking about rabbits? They reproduce fast, and are delicious. But they eat green things, of which there would have been none.
Noah didn't exit the ark until a bird brought back proof of green things growing. And one would have to assume anyway that Noah brought food for his family on the ark, which is equally far-fetched whether it's twelve months of food that they stocked up or fourteen. Either way they didn't let the animals off the ark until there were plants returning for the animals to eat. The question is more a matter of how much space the food for the animals on the ark would have taken up.
Gen.8 9-12 Humm, within 14 days there was enough green things
growing to feed all the animals in the ark. What happen to all
the sediment??? The top of the of the mountains was seen, 40 days
later he sent the first raven and a dove. Dove came back. Seven days later
he sent the dove and it found the freshly plucked leaf. He waited seven more
days before he open the doors.
If Mt. Ararat was a hill, then I could see that taking place.
sir82 - "T-rex makes a mighty fine barbecue."
Tasted like chicken.
No, seriously; since birds are descended from theropods, they probably tasted like chicken.
Gen.8 9-12 Humm, within 14 days there was enough green things
growing to feed all the animals in the ark. What happen to all
the sediment???
Yes. Must be those olive trees that grow in 14 days. I wonder where i can get some of those for my backyard.
Land bridges like between Asia and Northern America or Malaysia and Indonesia were already gone during the 4000BC. The last Ice Age ended 10-12K BC and water levels were risign for thousands of years. There are numerous issues with Flood. Human population was about 25 millions around 2200 BC and land was widely cultivated. Any sudden distruption by the flood followed by massive die off would be shown in the soil deposit, pollen, trees, etc. There is nothing of it, yet the science can pinpoint eras in human history when massive population collapses showed much smaller land cultivation. The most studied is era of the late Antiquity when collapse of the Western Roman Empire, its agriculture, population, and crops is well known and documented. We known that Roman Empire collapsed and population shrunk from 120 millions in its peak to 35-45 millions. Many villages and cities were abandoned and land was no more cultivated for centuries. Similar smaller collapse happened after the disintegration of Frankish Empire in 840's onward, but also during the Bronze Age. Between 1600BC and 1100BC the world went through Dark Ages of the Bronze Era due explosion of Thera and Hekkla volcanoes that devastated Minoan, Hittite, Levant, Assyrian, even Chinese civilizations at that time. Depopulation and mass migration are documented even with Egyptian written sources. Yet 800 years before it, there is no trace of anything devastating like global Flood. Even educated Jews in the 1st millenium doubted truth of the Flood and considered it as a moral story for their members, but not a description of true event.
Well I've seen the movie and it doesn't help either,,,,,,
Jon Preston
I hate to say this but i think they ate animal poop ;-(.....thats how they survived.
Oh oh oh. What about termites? Did Noah take them on the ark? Did they "micro-evolve" from a different insect of the same "kind"?