If I close my eyes and visualize the auditorium filled with ones I know from my Khall. I'd not pick them as friends on the outside. Most were not true friends. None have called since I've left. Only elders asking if we believe in the GB, wth.
I've realised the people I've known on the outside were actually good people. They never judged me according to meeting attendance, FS or how spiritual I was. They never asked to borrow things and not return them. Ask to help them move, paint, loan money. But ones in that mental picture, I can go row by row, and say; mooch, bum, abuser, brown-noser, double-life and on and on... the worst were the ones I tried to be friends with but just couldn't handle all their drama, stuff they could have put an end to...stupid kids, no money etc. I wanted to be a good friend to all, but got burnt so many times. It was all so conditional. But ones on the outside, just a little different. I wouldn't screw over a worldy friend, they're smart enough to walk away, but not within the khall you had to forgive.. because we are imperfect. Got tired of hearing that line of bull.
Don't be afraid of finding new friends, we're working on that now. It's not a scary as JWs want you to believe.