Is Obama Giving Putin Ideas?

by scotoma 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • kaik

    China and Russia have unsettled issues. I remember under communism how USSR and China hated each other. People in Eastern Europe hoped that these two countries will engage in mutually destructive war in which China would be victorious. However, China was beaten up by USSR in March of 1969. Russians were regularly lynched in China between 1966-1986 and it was considered the most dangerous country for them after Afghanistan. Russia does not have capital nor economy to challenge the Western world. Its economy is 1/7 of EU and 1/8 of USA. It faces difficult demographic issues and its multinational country facing various centifugal forces in its south. Any confrontation between Russia and West will further isolate Russia and speed up intengration of European countries, especially in its east. Also countries that were part of USSR are hesistant with closer cooperation with Russia after Ukraine invasion. Russia is planning partition of Kazachstan where its crossed Trans-Siberian rail lines.

    Russia today resembles much of Weimar Germany. It is society driven by revenge and revisionist position after the collapse of their imperium in 1989. China is more depended on USA as a primary economic partner. Only 6% of Russian export goes to China.

  • BizzyBee

    An opinion piece by The Guardian? I hope no one takes that too seriously.

  • quellycatface

    Obama couldn't give ideas to a 3yr old.

    He's just like our David Cameron, very pussio.

    "Whatever happened to all of the heroes, no more heroes anymore". The Stranglers.

    I put my money on Russia. Putin doesn't take any crap. He's a fighter.

  • DJS


    Nice commentary, but no one is picking on Mother Russia other than carving off a lot of their old satellites for the EU and NATO. THAT sticks in the old guard's craws big time. Russia would be better served fixing their own problems, but Putin and the old guard long for the days when they thought they ruled the world. Whatever gains Vlad may achieve in this land grab, over time, will likely erode away as it did during the Communist rule because they have soooo many internal problems that aren't close to being fixed. And when the West figures out how to tell Vlad to keep his oil and gas (and they are working on it), a lot of the wind will be gone from Vlad's sails.

    The Russians are dangerous, in part because of the miltary capabilities but more than that the sour taste in their mouth from belching up anger and resentment for 20 plus years. They brought it on themselves, but Vlad is speaking these days in a delusional manner, making Russian the vicitim and re-writing history. That scares me.

  • BluePill2


    Say no more...

  • scotoma

    Not too many people are concerned with these recent developments between Russia and the US.

    At least people in the USA aren't worried. Life goes on as usual. Even Ukranians are still getting up and going to work, shopping, sending their kids to school. Humans are very resilient. Unless you are a refugee living in a tent settlement nothing changes the basic routines.

    You hardly hear anyone at the hall bring up the resurgence of the Russian/USA conflict. The urge to speculate has been completely beaten out of the JW thought process. I have casually brought the subject up to various JW's and was told that the main thing is to keep preaching and that nothing of note will happen until the UN attacks Religion.

    Only the "Faithful Slave" has the right to contemplate the meaning of world events. THEY are the seers. THEY are the only ones who are allowed to SEE. They certainly didn't see these recent events. They feel Jehovah guided them to take on a 4 year building project that will be finished in 3 more years. That project

    XJW's are so tired of this that their eyes glaze over with the mere thought of Prophecy and World Events.

    We are all victims of confirmation bias. We see what we want to see.

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