China and Russia have unsettled issues. I remember under communism how USSR and China hated each other. People in Eastern Europe hoped that these two countries will engage in mutually destructive war in which China would be victorious. However, China was beaten up by USSR in March of 1969. Russians were regularly lynched in China between 1966-1986 and it was considered the most dangerous country for them after Afghanistan. Russia does not have capital nor economy to challenge the Western world. Its economy is 1/7 of EU and 1/8 of USA. It faces difficult demographic issues and its multinational country facing various centifugal forces in its south. Any confrontation between Russia and West will further isolate Russia and speed up intengration of European countries, especially in its east. Also countries that were part of USSR are hesistant with closer cooperation with Russia after Ukraine invasion. Russia is planning partition of Kazachstan where its crossed Trans-Siberian rail lines.
Russia today resembles much of Weimar Germany. It is society driven by revenge and revisionist position after the collapse of their imperium in 1989. China is more depended on USA as a primary economic partner. Only 6% of Russian export goes to China.