WTBT$ will no longer support Elder's legally....

by Newly Enlightened 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    Makes Committee Meetings all the more problematic- when you get DF'd by a local BOE and they no longer represent the Wt. you should conclude you were only DF'd in that KH.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    We have to see this how this is done in real life. I don't have time but I would love to read court cases how the WT holds no liability. There was control so tight when I was active.

  • baldeagle

    I hope this is true. Some elders may finally wake up and see this “new light.” Hopefully many will conclude that they don’t want to put themselves or their families in financial jeopardy.

  • designs

    One thing I knew from my years in and being an Elder was individual Elders are loath to be taken to Court in defense of their actions. In my case when I had three Judicial Committees after me my threat to take them to Court was the only thing that took the wind out of their sails.

  • Rattigan350

    "primarily dealing with sex abuse issues. The majority of the time was spent "training" how to communicate with those alleging abuse and those accused of abuse."

    Training should be: If someone does something you don't like, take a baseball bat and swing away. No need for meetings or letters, etc.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Exactly, first thing I wanted to know, was if they do not represent the WTBT$ then who appoints them? What authority do they ahve to have JC meetings & DF people????

  • villagegirl

    Sweet; the WT gives the elders rules that cause them to break the LAW

    if they DO obey the rules and get disfellowshippedif the DON'T obey the

    rules ? and then the WT withdraws its support ?

    Isn't this called : Damned if you DO and Damned if you DON'T ?

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