Obama-care and the WT

by lambsbottom 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lambsbottom

    The GB must loooove Obama-care socialist health-care. JWs can go part time to pioneer and then still get health care coverage, while the successful JWs and other non jw successful people foot the tax bill. God I hate socialism.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    You obviously have little to no idea what socialism is. There's little to nothing socialist about Obamacare besides the small percentage of income increase on the medicaid side. Other than that it's just a big high five to private insurance corporations. Basically what this did was raise profits for the insurance companies and force you to buy their product by law. There's nothing socialist about that.

  • WTWizard

    This is going past socialism. It is communism. OsamaCare is communism. You are required to buy sickness insurance, and you get a fine if you don't--and the IRS, known for its abuse, enforces this fine. And the sickness insurance must be approved--meaning no more buying vitamins to insure against getting sick in the first place. There are so many pages of regulations (including a section requiring filing 1099 forms for transactions worth more than 600 toilet papers). We have part timers that cannot work more than 28 hours a week because of this rule. Other buried clauses restrict taking vitamins and supplements along with prescribed medication--and dictates about what you can and cannot eat (based on faulty junk science). All of which is communism.

    Yes, the subsidies are mere socialism. However, that is subject to abuse and can easily cross the line to communism if able-bodied people are forced to work harder and pay into it. These people become slaves, forced to earn money so they can pay those lazy bums that wish to sit and watch soap operas or those religious parasites that waste their time thumping LIE-bles. This is blatant abuse of the system. And when people are forced to support this willful abuse, it does become communism. I certainly do not wish to pay so someone can pious-sneer.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    How is a tax subsidy Socialist? Basically all they are doing is giving you a tax break. I thought those were conservative values?

  • hoser

    We've got universal health care up here

  • wearewatchingyouman

    Hoser - Damned Socialist Pigs!

  • lambsbottom

    Funny, most people I talk to that support Obama care either work for the government in some form or don't make a good living. Never met one that was a sucessful entrepreneur.

  • sir82

    This is funny - people don't know what "socialism" and "communism" even mean.

  • lambsbottom

    Also, I find that people who support socialsm and in particular 'universal health care' do not understand basic economics and 'free market' economics. They think it sounds good, and that is good enough for them. Watch the US end up like Spain (26% unemployment).

  • wearewatchingyouman

    LMAO. I find that anyone who says, "You don't understand basic free market economics." is usually talking out their ass. They're usually Paulbots who have no clue what economics even is, nor can they see the consequences of the actions they promote. We don't live in a bubble.

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