Obama-care and the WT

by lambsbottom 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wearewatchingyouman

    Just for the record. i don't support the Affordable Care Act, nor did I ever. Bring on health care cooperatives!

  • Pistoff

    When you pay for insurance, that is not communism, or socialism.

    We have medicare, also NOT socialism; there is a fee.

    Germany has a government mandated private health insurance system; are they socialist? Communist?

    As for that, I think Canada, the UK, Sweden and Norway are pretty happy with their SOCIALIST medical care.

  • Tiktaalik

    Down here in Communist Australia we love our universal sovialist healthcare.

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Well it sure as hell doesnt help me! 50k a year gets me no where...500 for family insureance with shite coverage and still paying out of pocket for all my appointments? Psh. Between that and rent and food im basically poverty level lol.

  • nonjwspouse

    Swedish health care - disaster - https://mises.org/daily/6476/

    Germany health care system- is sick http://www.thelocal.de/20100510/27107

    Canada: http://dailycaller.com/2014/01/16/report-tens-of-thousands-fled-socialized-canadian-medicine-in-2013/

    The shortage of doctors and other health care professionals is the second most problematic issue for Canadians. The lure of more lucrative salaries led to a "brain drain" of professionals to the United States in recent years. Although overall emigration has been relatively small, health care professionals constitute a significant proportion of the public sector workers who have chosen to leave Canada for employment in the United States.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Your assertions are wild. Prove them by citations to specific section in the law or reporting from a reputable newspaper. The John Birch Society does not publish a reputable newspaper. This is a perfect example of going over the top so badly that you destroy whatever merit you may have made.

  • Vidiot

    Band on the Run - " The John Birch Society does not publish a reputable newspaper."


    The John Birch Society makes Alex Jones seem calm and rational.

  • kurtbethel

    Here in California we have [insert name of latest dietary supplement fad] and don't need no steenkin' Obamacare.

    Oh yeah, it's not socialist. Government/corporate chumminess is one of the elements of fascism. Really.

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