Don't miss the health care sign up deadline.

by FlyingHighNow 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    We are now proud card carrying memebers of ACA.

    Good for you.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    I doubt that. You get all the tax money you pay back on everything you pay taxes on? Gasoline? Milk? Pack of gum? Diapers? Socks? Pants? If so, you are taking some illegal deductions. If not, then you must have meant somthing else other than "100%".

    No shit. I obviously wasn't referring to sales or state taxes. I was referring to federal income tax, which is what is affected by ACA deductions and credits.

  • wannabefree

    I went through the application process. I'll pay the fine, it's a better value.

  • FlyingHighNow

    We're watching, the tax credit offsets your premiums. The credit is similar to a child tax credit or earned income credit. The credit doesnt work like you are thinking it does. If you met the income guidelines, you would have had your premiums offset.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Wannabe, explain more.

  • Viviane

    No shit. I obviously wasn't referring to sales or state taxes. I was referring to federal income tax, which is what is affected by ACA deductions and credits.

    Of course it wasn't obvious because you also referred to write-offs and a small business and didn't mention how you get income from your business, if it's incorporated, an LLC, etc., so I'm not at all sure why you would think it's obvious. All those write offs would be for your business, not necessarily you as a person, depending.

    Have you spoken to a professional about managing your money and getting health care?

  • GrreatTeacher

    7 million have signed up for the ACA, matching original projections.

    I have been able to keep my private insurance, but it is a benefit of my husband's job. I have a preexisting condition, so it is nice to know that insurance is available if I ever need it.

    And, you young people who are thinking of skipping it altogether, think about how one car accident could have you owing tens of thousands in medical bills. You would never get established in life

    True, it's a conservative idea (thanks Mitt Romney) and single payer would be better since it would be available and affordable to everyone, but this is the best start that could be negotiated politically.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Great Teacher, agreed. Its a beginning. There is strength in numbers, but only if the numbers are healthy. Only our enemies would want us weak and sickly, or reduced in numbers.

  • Violia

    We had a system in place, Medicaid. They should have just expanded it and made it easier to qualify and that would have worked.

    I am glad for any who had no insurance that are now covered but it is definitely not free ( someone , maybe not you but someone is paying for this.) I'd wait on this fanfare for a while and see how it works out.

  • FlyingHighNow

    ( someone , maybe not you but someone is paying for this.)

    Who pays when uninsured people use the emergency room for medical care and the bill is hundreds of dollars? What if they are admitted and need surgery and the bills run into the many thousands of dollars? Isn't it less expensive to use preventive care and to screen regularly, catch things early? Our republican governor fought hard to get expanded medicaid passed in our state, because as a former business man, even he could see how much more cost effective it is to insure people and give them timely medical care.

    Who loses when a giant percentage of uninsured American's are sick? We all do. All of us pay taxes. Whether it is city, county, property, taxes on particular products, car tags and so on. We might as well let some of the taxes we pay ensure that all Americans can afford healthcare.

    Millions of Americans are upset because millions of us want everyone covered with affordable health insurance and healthcare?

    Are we a nation of cold hearted barbarians? What neighbors, friends and family members are expendible, so we can pay a few dollars less in taxes?

    I'll gladly give out of every single paycheck I ever make to be sure every American is covered.

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