Twitch, the tides are not occurring BECAUSE of standing waves,
The Tides ARE standing waves. The two bulges ALWAYS remain ~STANDING under the advancing moon, lifted by it's gravity for the close one, and lifted by centrifugal force and least Moon-effect for the FAR one. (remember the 1/distance ^2 rule.
The Tides "comes in" "goes out" the same way the 'moon rises' and 'sets'
both tides and the rising is the result of the earth's rotation, not the other way around.
If a wave is substantially stationary with respect to an entity, in this case MOON&sun it is standing/staionary . like Galilio said "and yet she moves[rotates]"
Of course the topography changes the tides somewhat, look at the GREAT bores in China, the Amazon delta.
thus Gravity can create standing waves. If confined, a frequency like in a bell, or the finite universe will produce interference patterns, standing waves. they can even cause polarization.
better minds then mine stand by it.