Connections: remarkable sounds of the past, still seen, reproducible and tsunamis

by prologos 45 Replies latest social current

  • Viviane

    Vivian: would you consider writing the editors of The Telegraph, a more worthy target to tar and feather. ?

    I have written several publications regarding errors, as we as review papers myself.

    The Tides ARE standing waves.

    Absolute nonsense.

    twitch, of course it could be argued that gravity is another form of acceleration, and that the peculiar shape of the gravity gradient under the MOON +or- the solar presence, is an accelration that is stationary under the moon, and it is this acceleration that is perceived as moving, a lifting seen as tides., because -- 'as the world turns'.

    Absolute nonsense.

    citation by prologos. argument too.

    Absolute nonsense.

    are the white-water waves in the Colorado, the lenticular clouds over New Zealand not standing waves? recognized as such?

    Of course not.

    twich, we had a math/phys teacher in high school that always started to TWICH when confronted with an out-of-the-box - thinking type argument, and at least one of us kids were from Physics - Nobel-Laureat families, just itching to get him twitching

    Perhaps he was twitching because of all of the nonsense, he didn't have enough time left in his life to explain how ridiculously wrong it was.

    Please stop. You are making people dumber every time they read your lazy attempt to merge science and woo without doing any work to understand either.

  • prologos

    twitch, the theme was about CONNECTIONS, and I did not see you make the connection between the standing waves in air and water to the standing wave bulges on the planets surface, because the land has tides too, standing under the moon.

    bsw connection. the 'Memorial'tides will be small because the sun gravity will be pulling, accelerating against the moon.

    not all standing waves are equal.

  • Viviane

    I did not see you make the connection between the standing waves in air and water to the standing wave bulges on the planets surface, because the land has tides too, standing under the moon.

    You have yet to make a single connection or prove a single one of your ridiculous assertions true.

  • prologos

    this might be news to you, that a standing wave, a local acceleration, can be can be generated by gravity. but here it is, happening right now, under the moon.

    steady as she goes.and the connection? gravity and its waves in the beginning .

  • prologos

    the 'proof' is empirical., by observation, connection.

    I even made a prediction [without looking at the tide charts],

    the tidal bulge will be low as the earth rotates into it at memorial night. under the eclipsed moon.

    proven scientific method, observe, make description of model, make prediction to falsify.

    falsefy please.

  • Ruby456

    interesting observations prologos about connections, indeed spacetime may be more like water rather than like fabric or a rubber sheet. scientists are telling us to watch this space. And what about the connection to my favourite scientist, Albert Einstein a religious minded atheist!

  • Viviane

    this might be news to you, that a standing wave, a local acceleration, can be can be generated by gravity. but here it is, happening right now, under the moon.

    It's not news, it's utter non-sense.

    the 'proof' is empirical., by observation, connection.

    Of which you have yet to show a single instance. All your work is ahead of you.

    I even made a prediction [without looking at the tide charts],

    the tidal bulge will be low as the earth rotates into it at memorial night. under the eclipsed moon.

    When? Where? What time? What does "low" mean? How many meters? So far you haven't made a prediction, you haven't even made a joke.

    proven scientific method, observe, make description of model, make prediction to falsify.

    One more utterly non-sensical statement proving you have no idea what you are on about. You, when stating a hypothesis to be tested, have to provide information on how and why it would be falsifiable.

  • Viviane

    And what about the connection to my favourite scientist, Albert Einstein a religious minded atheist!

    If you knew about your "favorite" scientist, you wouldn't make such non-sensical statements.

  • Ruby456

    viv- thanks for the compliment cos you don't appear to know that you don't know - such obvious standing waves - unbelievable that you such a skeptic

  • prologos

    In post 2944 I referred to gravity as an acceleration, without referring to the originator of the concept A. Einstein, for surely the distractors (esses) wouls jump on that as appeal to higher authority, like the source of my education. the lower authority.

    I just will not respond to opinions that simply repeat , begin or end with the phrase " You do not know what you are talking about" for

    the subject is connections, waves, energy, gravity in entities. and

    as we can visualize them in analogues systems.

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