Vivian: would you consider writing the editors of The Telegraph, a more worthy target to tar and feather. ?
I have written several publications regarding errors, as we as review papers myself.
The Tides ARE standing waves.
Absolute nonsense.
twitch, of course it could be argued that gravity is another form of acceleration, and that the peculiar shape of the gravity gradient under the MOON +or- the solar presence, is an accelration that is stationary under the moon, and it is this acceleration that is perceived as moving, a lifting seen as tides., because -- 'as the world turns'.
Absolute nonsense.
citation by prologos. argument too.
Absolute nonsense.
are the white-water waves in the Colorado, the lenticular clouds over New Zealand not standing waves? recognized as such?
Of course not.
twich, we had a math/phys teacher in high school that always started to TWICH when confronted with an out-of-the-box - thinking type argument, and at least one of us kids were from Physics - Nobel-Laureat families, just itching to get him twitching
Perhaps he was twitching because of all of the nonsense, he didn't have enough time left in his life to explain how ridiculously wrong it was.
Please stop. You are making people dumber every time they read your lazy attempt to merge science and woo without doing any work to understand either.