Just Saw StarWars Episode II

by Reborn2002 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • dubla

    i posted this on another thread:

    i saw it as well, and i have mixed feelings on it. there wasnt quite as much action as id anticipated overall (it seemed to drag at times with all the political explanations), but the action scenes were overwhelming with cinematic flare and quantity. the movie on its own was great imo, but for much of the movie it didnt have the typical "star wars" feel....almost felt more like a fantasy (lotr), or futuristic film (fifth element). the special effects were of course extremely visual.....if you saw the prequels first, youd say amazing cgi, but seeing the originals first, it almost feels like too much cgi at times. there were some VERY cheesy parts, but i suppose thats too be expected. jango fett had some great scenes, but overall i was extremely dissapointed with the villains and their lack of a scare factor (even jango fett seemed very normal, and count dookie was a big zero in my book). all in all, it was just light years away from what i was expecting, so that made it tough to judge on the first go round......i think seeing it a second time and knowing the direction its heading will be more enjoyable (and ill probably feel i was much too critical the first time). i think im a sucker for the first classic trilogy, and so far the prequels just havent felt the same.

    heres a link to one critics review, much of which i must reluctantly agree with (its hard to swallow the flaws after growing up with star wars). >>> http://slate.msn.com/?id=2065822


  • BobsGirl

    Going to the show Suturday with Michelle .... Yeah!!!


    "May the work of your hands be a sign of gratitude and reverence to the human condition." - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Xander

    cgi mixed with live action sometimes looked a bit fake

    You do realize, EVERY scene was CGI mixed with live action? They actually were acting on blue screens - very few (if any) sets, according to the cast interviewed. Seeing as how, by implication, you are suggesting there were some scenes it WASN'T mixed in, I'd say they did a pretty good job.

    i think im a sucker for the first classic trilogy

    Well, episode 5 was good. 'A New Hope' was pretty weak, though. I like the larger story arc that is being flushed out. The rebellion vs Empire thing is vaguely interesting, but the rise, fall, and redemption of Anakin Skywalker makes a much better story, IMHO.

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • dubla
    You do realize, EVERY scene was CGI mixed with live action?

    i honestly think thats the problem. it doesnt have that real feel to it.....regardless of how fictional the originals were, they didnt look like a cartoon played out on screen, but rather had a sense of realism to them........now its all obviously computer generated, and he just doesnt quite pull off the illusion.

    Well, episode 5 was good. 'A New Hope' was pretty weak, though.
    a new hope was "weak" by todays standards, but for its day it was groundbreaking, and looking back was quite an achievement considering the technology available. maybe lucas feels he always has to be groundbreaking, even now, so he forces the cgi where it isnt always needed.

    i agree with you about the story line, and the rise/fall/return of anakin was the story lucas originally intended to tell (whereas before the prequels it looked to be a story about luke). maybe im just griping too much, and maybe the movie is nothing short of spectacular, but im just wondering if we have to be visually bombarded with a thousand computer generated images the entire way through to tell that story. the asteroid chase in empire strikes back is perfect "as is".......no barrage of cgi needed. the same goes for the battle on hoth, why fix what wasnt broke?

    obviously the cg yoda was a big technology plus though, ill give him that......that scene alone absolves most of the flaws of episode 2, and makes it worth multiple viewings.


  • Xander

    now its all obviously computer generated, and he just doesnt quite pull off the illusion.

    I really don't think most of it was obviously CGI, though. Some of the creatures, sure. But, all the scenery was CGI (even the island paradise Anakin and Amidala retreat to)...all the spacecraft were CGI...asteroid scene redux was all CGI...

    For the most part, I think the CGI was really not noticeable. Certainly several steps above SW:TPM. Such technological leaps has me with high hopes for Ep III.

    (I can't *wait* to see Ep III now, not because Ep II wasn't great - but because it WAS. To see the last few pieces we know need to fall into place do so...why does Padme leave Anakin? Over what do Obi-Wan and Anakin finally fight? Will we get to see the Trade Federation building the Death Star?)

    maybe im just griping too much

    Just a thought, but you had to love the irony that the predecessors to the rebellion were being led by a Dark Jedi and were actually responsible for the Death Star design.

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • dubla
    Just a thought, but you had to love the irony that the predecessors to the rebellion were being led by a Dark Jedi and were actually responsible for the Death Star design.

    i LOVED all the plot twists, ironies, and tie-ins/fillers. despite my over critical view of the movie itself, i thoroughly enjoyed everything that was revealed and the comical nature by which much of it was dispensed.


  • D8TA

    Wheeeeew, okay saw it and I'm a bit mixed as well;
    My opinion:

    Hayden Christenson was great, these prequals are to follow Anakin's journey in to the darkside, becoming Darth Vader. Does he do it? SUPERBLY! I'd like to point out to the "first time viewers", when you watch the film the second time...THIS IS THE MOVIE Anakin becomes Darth Vader. Not in the suit, Not in the mask, not in NAME...but in "turning to the darkside"...ANAKIN IS EVVVVIIILLLL! Hayden's job in acting accomplishes this with his subtle arrogance in the beginning...right in to the middle of the flick where he makes that plunge (YOU'LL KNOW THE SCENE, and THE OTHER SCENE THAT CONFIRMS IT WITH HIS WORDS) in to the abyss.

    Ewan McGregor...OH...MY...GOD! You can not, and will not, find anyone that can play Obi-Wan-Kenobi better then this man. . .other then Alec Guiness that is. Alec Guiness started the character, and Ewan inherits the "robes" to a "T". Excellent. Excellent. Excellent.

    Natalie Portman....oh oh. WHOOOOPS! What happened? I felt her acting a bit "disjointed". I sometimes felt her struggeling with the portrail of her character. Something just felt missing. I enjoyed her in Phantom Menace, but something just didn't fall in place with her character in Attack of the Clones. At times she was "spot on", and then a few scenes later she seemed "lacking". I can't tell if this is her doing, or George didn't do a good job in guiding her thru some scenes...mostly the "romantic" ones. Her action sequences, and all acting done without Hayden Christenson worked...but when you put the two actors together...the chemistry was mixed. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.

    Sam Jackson I can't give a nonbiased opinion...he ownZ Mace, he lives Mace, he breaths Mace. Mace is badass. For second time viewers, if you feel a certain part in the movie was "short" with him batteling someone near the end in the arena...it's meant to be that way. The SOMEONE was giving Obi-Wan some ass kicking earlier in the film...the short part at the end in the Arena with Mace dealing with this person is meant to be "quick". Mace is a Jedi Master, second to Yoda...thus defeating this SOMEONE quickly...making this SomeOne Mace's biotch.

    All other characters: R2-D2, C-3P0, Christopher Lee, Ian McDiarmind etc. and secondary characters....no probs, did their parts well and kept me in the suspension of disbelief. I'm content with it, and liked it.

    Now to Yoda. See the movie. Just...see the movie. Stole the show, you'll be hoping George shows more in Episode III. What is in Episode II, is enough, but please George...MORE! MORE! MORE! Yoda kicks ass....I...We...EVERYONE....WANT MORE! To point out: When all is said and done near the end of the flick, take speacial note with what Yoda does with his cane. Absolutely BRILLANT! Like he really "needs" it...that clever little green kick ass machine.

    Over all I admit, it's better than Phantom and Return of the Jedi...but I can't put it above Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars A New Hope. Word of advice to Mr. Lucas....I noticed YOU ASSITED THE EDIT of the film...uh, please hire an EDITOR next time..and let THEM do their job. Part of the disruption in the flow of the movie was due a few parts that were...ack...poorly edited. Don't get me wrong...ALL of the Action scenes were excellent, but uh, some of the inbetween stuff (romance, story progression)...ouch. Noticable to the "casual" eye OUCH that is.

    I'm a fan. A BIG STAR WARS FAN. The story of the movie works for me, but I strongly suggest that for the "casual" movie goer, REWATCH the Original Trilogy and Phantom Menace. Perhaps pick up the Attack of the Clones novel to get a much more aquianted relationship with the story.

    The Clones...yep, you are witnessing the "first" generation of the Stormtroopers of the original trilogy (Han, Leia, Luke story). In the Attack of the Clones, you see the "birth" of the Empire. And be careful who you cheer for, you may end up cheering for the bad guys and don't even know it....till you view the movie again. George Lucas accomplishes something in the art of storytelling with THIS movie. Look for it. The truth can serve those with evil intentions, and to weave it in to society en masse in such a underhanded way...!WOW!...George Lucas accomplishes something here.

    So In my Rankings:
    1) Empire Strikes Back
    3) Attack of the Clones
    4) The Phantom Menace
    5) Return of the Jedi


  • teejay

    Saw EII yesterday and Lucas surprised me...

    I didn't think it was possible for even him to make a worse film than EI but, lo and behold, he did it!!

    EII was one of the saddest, most pathetically under-achieving movies I've ever seen. I ALMOST looked for the manager to ask for my money back. No doubt about it, the movie sucked, and I'm being nice.

    p.s. I turned right around and saw "Sum of All Evil" and am glad I did. Very good movie, one at the opposite "quality" end of the spectrum from Lucas' garbage.

  • waiting

    Wellllllllll, I didn't like the last one and I didn't like this one. But I'm not much of a Star Wars fan either. It just seemed the thing to do to go to those movies when they come out for some reason.

    My husband fell asleep through it, and I got real antsy......long movie.

    I thought the dialogue stilted, the acting bad, and the love section trite. I mean, how much pupdog longing can be put into those glazed over eyes of those two young people?

    Gonna go see "Imsonia" soon......I like death & murder ..... or comedy better.


  • wasasister

    I'm wondering, TJ, why you saw the need to resurrect this thread to post your negative comments among people who are obviously fans of the genre? Isn't it a bit like trying to sell Betty Crocker aprons at Lillith Fair?

    Just curious as to what reaction you were expecting.

    PS: were you referring to "Sum of All Fears", the latest Clancy screenplay?

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