Just Saw StarWars Episode II

by Reborn2002 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay


    Please see Waiting’s review which followed mine. It seems her and Mr. Waiting’s experience (I damn near fell asleep, too) and viewpoint (bad acting, horrible dialog, too much tedious time spent on the love interest) was very similar to mine. The only difference with me is that I *am* a Star Wars fan but have only been woefully disappointed by the last two Lucas offerings which have in no way lived up to the originals.

    Why did I post such a negative review here? Why not?

    Secondly, I saw no need to start another thread on the very same subject. While this thread was already in existence (albeit mostly populated by posts of those who enjoyed the film), I didn’t know this thread was only for those who thoroughly enjoyed the movie, nor did I think anyone would be offended by an alternative viewpoint. (It *is* a discussion board.)

    Instead, I was (am) solidly under the impression that the thread is open for any who simply saw the movie and wanted to comment, whether their views were positive OR negative. That’s what I did.

    Btw, your analogy of my viewpoint of the film being different to the others to being as disimilar as Betty Crocker and Lilith Fair doesn't fit. Also, any comments on Waiting's review which was every bit as scathing as mine?

    PS: were you referring to "Sum of All Fears"?
  • teejay

    Btw, Was,

    You seemed to suggest that I am not a fan of the “genre.” That’s not the case. I’m not only a big fan of science fiction but, as I mentioned above, I’m even a fan of the Star Wars series, per se, just not of the last two installments.

    One can be horribly disappointed with a specific film within a genre (I *was* with EII) while still immensely enjoying the genre itself (I do).

  • wasasister

    1. The Betty Crocker analogy worked for me. Sorry it didn't for you.

    2. Waiting's review was posted as I was writing, thus I did not see it as I responded.

    3. I wasn't trying to imply anything as to your appreciation of Science Fiction. Your words - to me, at least - seemed like walking into a Trekkie convention and shouting "Spock is sooo GAY!"

    Some people have accused you of trying to stir up controversy. I only wondered if maybe you did enjoy pushing buttons sometimes. No insult intended; whatever floats your boat.

    I haven't seen the movie yet. I'll probably enjoy the special effects and sound editing, as I did with the previous movie.



  • teejay


    1. The Betty Crocker analogy worked for me. Sorry it didn't for you.

    The analogy didn’t work for me because it wasn’t appropriate (although I understand why it worked for *you*). The only way it would have worked for me is if I didn’t like Betty Crocker to begin with and walked into a Betty Crocker scenario by mistake, expecting to find Lilith Fair.

    Being a StarWars fan, I have good reasons to have found EII sadly lacking. You will find very few film critics who thought the film was up to par. I like good cinema, films that are well done and stand on their own merits, and EII wasn’t it – not by a long shot. Imo, if Lucas isn’t very careful with his ‘final’ installment, he will go down in history as a very wealthy cinematic failure. Imo.

    2. Waiting's review was posted as I was writing, thus I did not see it as I responded.

    I understand (I took note of the post times). Now that you’ve been able to read her post, any comment on what *she* said? (If not, I understand... )

    3. I wasn't trying to imply anything as to your appreciation of Science Fiction. Your words - to me, at least - seemed like walking into a Trekkie convention and shouting "Spock is sooo GAY!"

    Well, among other things, your initial response to my post was:

    I'm wondering, TJ, why you saw the need to resurrect this thread to post your negative comments among people who are obviously fans of the genre?
    From that I assumed you thought I was generally a critic of Science Fiction. Not so. I just wanted to make that point clear.

    As I said (continuing with your latest analogy), my disapproval of the latest installment is *really* like me showing up at a Star Trek convention dressed as Spock (my favorite character from the original series, btw) and saying that, in this particular film, I didn’t think he didn’t live up to past performances. It would *not* mean that I didn’t like the character, past performances, the genre, or the series itself.

    Some people have accused you of trying to stir up controversy. I only wondered if maybe you did enjoy pushing buttons sometimes. No insult intended; whatever floats your boat.

    Most of the “some people” you reference that have in the past accused me of being “controversial” have all left for another forum. Just because a person is characterized a certain way does not make the characterization true, or even valid. Often times, those with meager reasoning skills (or weak, indefensible arguments) denigrate those that put forth opinions that are at odds with the “norm” in an attempt to alter the opinion of the public or discredit the person/opinion. As I said above, my dislike of EII is hardly “controversial.” Many objective viewers of the movie... uh... hated it.

    As far as pushing buttons, while I hardly ever do so on purpose, I’m not afraid of doing so if need be. That’s especially true when I can honestly disagree with the status quo. I owe that trait to being an oddball (and Black) JW all my life, being the only “Jehovah” in a classroom of (White) non-“Jehovahs”. My non-conformity in this area is no doubt a reason why I never advanced very far up the JW hierarchy, but I’m comfortable with that.

    I haven't seen the movie yet.

    Probably the most prescient comment you’ve made in this thread. Tell us what you think of the movie, once you *do*.

    p.s. I would have preferred answering your provocative posts off-line (where I think it would have been best – considering their off-topic nature), but your email is blocked. If you would like to continue this dialog, email me. Otherwise, I think we should let the matter rest.

    Point is: I didn’t care for EII and, viewed objectively, there’s good reason.

    p.p.s http://www.suntimes.com/output/ebert1/cst-ftr-ebert10.html

  • LB

    I was very anxious for this movie to come out. At about 90 minutes I kept looking at my watch. Not a good sign. The best I can say was "it's ok". Special effects are interesting and enjoyable. But, the story line really bogs down. Let's hope the final will rock our world.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • c5

    Episode II rocks! I've seen it twice in one week already and am ready to go again!


    If I fail or if I suceed, at least I'll live as I believe.~~W.Houston

  • waiting

    lol.....I just saw "Sum of All Fears with *Mr. Waiting* and we both thoroughly enjoyed.....as I noted on the two threads devoted to it.

    Why I'm bringing that thought HERE is because we saw the current Star Wars a couple of nights ago. When we walked out of Sum when over, I said to him "That was SOOOOOOO much better than that Star Wars movie!"

    Btw, I think one reason the original Star Wars were so popular is that we weren't used to see action & graphics like it. And Harrison Ford and Cheewaka(sp?) were funny!

    At least HIS dialogue was good and he could speak without that irritating stilted accent. And the features of his face actually moved when he talked (not like that little green guy) - with emotion - surprise, anger, laughter, scarcasm.....whatever, it worked - at least at that juncture of our lives.

    Anyway - I like science fiction and adventure - but everyone has their own opinions to a movie - and I thought that these types of threads were open to any/all opinions.

    Armchair critics, eh?


    ps. Mr. Waiting fell asleep during the original Star Wars also. I didn't know him then, but I can believe it. Strange fellow in some ways.

  • Naeblis

    Ithought it was about as entertaining as any of the Star Wars movies. Of course, I'm not a fan of the Star Wars movies to begin with. All of the failures that people point to for the first two movies are the same failures taht the first three had. Lucas was never a very good director/screenwriter etc. I don't know, I get the feeling cause the first three were so new, people overlooked the flaws. *shrug* I went to see a no plot action movie that looked pretty. I got exactly what I went to see. No complaints from me.

  • ashitaka

    As long as you overlook the glaring screenwriting flaws, Star Wars is an enjoyable series that can appeal to almost anybody.....it's almost like people expect Shakespeare when they go to see Star Wars. Bad dialouge, and awesome effects....fine with me.

    I think that just cutting the fireplace scene between Amidala and Anakin would have improved the movie greatly. But, there were well written scenes, too. What about the scene with Dex talking with Obiwan about the origin of the poison dart? I loved that.

    Things I hated:

    Shitty dialouge.

    Problems with projection, because of the transfer from digital to celluoid.

    BTW, I saw it digital, and it was amazing.


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