Will You Miss This History Making Event?

by silentlambs 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • 4christ

    may God bless your efforts, silentlamb. I will light a candle that day and you are in my prayers.
    peace to all-L

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    ((((((((((((((silentlambs)))))))))) you make it to the top! thanks for coming out and share your stories.

    Last night I personally took one of AlanF's post to an elder plus news articles. He knew about it and he said the elders have been commenting on the Dateline and the media coverage of silentlambs. He told me he will watch it and if I tape it for him if he is working that night, he will see it. He is so sweet: I went to the KH before the meeting ended, and as I opened the door there he was! so he came out and we were able to talk, thank God... Let's keep a vigil going around the world! I could send word to my family and friends in Costa Rica... the Spanish community needs to know. All united will win the battle! Love to all,


  • miner

    We admire your courage to stand up for what is right. You will be in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow! Miner


    Hey Bill,like many here I am just too dam far away to come support you personaly.I wish you well,I hope you kick their ass`s.Anyone that opposes your work,is a piece of shit,but it is nice when they post and expose their sorry pediphile protecting ass`s.You have a lot of support from people who actualy have morals and the list is growing...OUTLAW

  • noidea



    Member of the: I have ~No-Idea~ class.

  • plmkrzy


    Life sucks...get a helmet
  • Farkel


    As you know, I've championed your efforts from the very beginning of your emergence and even before that I was a part of a group of people involved with the issues you've brought forth. If it wasn't for you and your courage, these issues might not have seen the light-of-day even now. I applaud you and your efforts, Bill.

    I will be with you there in my heart.

    : I truly believe this will be a turning point for WT Policy, I believe it will be a historical event that you will not want to miss.

    My only caveat is this: don't end up being disappointed if the WTS recovers from this. They've recovered from similar situations. After all, they are shameless liars and they work hard to keep their rank and file in the dark. They will lose membership over this. That is a given. Yet, they will never lose their hard-core braindead loyalists. Those types of people will cling to the WTS with every fiber of their existence. If they gave up, they would lose everything they've lived for, lies or no lies. Some people are just lost without the WTS in their lives. It's pathetic, but it is true.

    Keep your chin up, Bill, but don't be surprised if the WTS rebounds. They always have. Satan will see to that. Dirtbags will always be with us. It's human nature.


  • ARoarer

    There was a time when my family was warned by elders never to talk to anyone about what happened, and never to talk about the molester. We were recently told not to talk about what was said during the civil trial or we would be disciplined. This was to keep the congregations from knowing about sexual abuse. It was like a perpetrator telling the victims not to tell. Well the victims have roared and now every newspaper and many new and radio shows have freely reported it. Now all the congregations in the Watchtower Organization know that they have the same sins as the Catholic Church does. And for me it is a little gratifying to know that with all the effort the elders and my father-in-laws' family could not keep the pedophile's secret. I am glad to have a part in exposing this and I wish I could be there, Bill, for the candlelight vigil. But I will have my own candles lit and eager to hear how it goes.

  • LizardSnot

    Count me in...I'm there :)


  • Athanasius

    Hi Bill,

    Wish I could be there for the historical event, but since I live on the other side of the continent and have pressing business matters to attend to, attendance won't be possible. But we will keep you and the Silentlambs in our prayers.



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