Hi everyone
I'm new here. I've been out around 20 years (DA'd), but recently I've really started to struggle with certain aspects of relating to family members who are still in, as well as my own thoughts and feelings about my upbringing and my personal views about god/life the universe. I have an older sibling and my mum who are still in. We are a small family and my dear Grandmother, who was not in, passed away around a year ago. I guess I feel more isolated now (in terms of losing my non-believing "comrade"), and have been thinking more and more about the ridiculousness of their beliefs; their hypocrisy in certain areas; and the frustration with not been able to express any of this to them without knowing the kind of blank response I will get. They don't bother me at all (or very rarely) about coming back, but we all know there is just certain things that can never be discussed.
My mum is a good woman, and to cope with it I try to view her in two ways: the core of her - a funny, caring person who loves her family dearly. However there is also the other side, the JW side - judgemental, indoctrinated, closed-minded...don't think I need to go on.
As I said, I am feeling more and more resentful, and finding it hard to keep a lid on it. Today for example:
I called my mum for a chat. She was talking about a "sister" who she has known for 30+ years who is now very elderly and struggling with health problems. To be honest, I never liked this woman, even when I was a young kid, and when I have seen her in the street in recent years I have pretended I haven't seen her/suddenly become engrossed in my phone so as to avoid engaging with her. IIRC she had a son, whose name could never be mentioned, who had been DF many many years ago. I guess this guy went on to have his own family...I seem remember talk of it anyway. So, my mum was going on today about how this woman is really having terrible health issues and is struggling to take care of herself at home, needs support etc as "she has no family to take care of her" and I thought "WTF?! Erm no she does have family, she just decided to shun them for whatever "sin" he commited. So I guess she brought this on herself.... Just makes me really mad, I feel unable to voice how I feel and I am starting to feel very withdrawn from my mum.
As I said I'm new here so sorry for long post/not knowing the etiquette etc but it feels good to be able to come somewhere and share with people who will totally get it, I've been lurking for a while and see many others who seem to feel the same as I do. I talk to my friends often (those evil, wicked, wordly people who are actually amazing) and they sympathise as much as they can, but if you ain't been in it, you can't really understand!
Thanks for listening