Exposing them is one thing. Ridiculing is another and it is easy to do, I admit.
If Someone Mocks Jehovah's Witnesses Does That Bother You?
by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends
Band on the Run
Well, I do it. I love it. It bothers me when some fundie Christian mocks them. Somehow ex-JWs earned the right to mock. Would I mock them to their face? Never. I rarely encounter Witnesses. If I am not expecting to see them, they annoy me. When I see them other times, I feel sorry for them as individuals. Sometimes I mutter a phrase to them to perhaps wake them. A few weeks ago I told one she was in a cult. I refined what I meant by cult as high control.
When fundies mock the Witnesses, I defend the Witnesses. In my view, no fundie's religion is so great that they can look down on the Witnesses. I want friends/acquaintances who know about my Witness past to be sympathetic to me. Plenty of religions are just as bad.
There is an enormous difference between a past Witness or even a Bible study and an apologist for another religion. I've noticed that Episcopal/Lutheran/Methodist mininsters never say anything against the Witnesses, even at home. Sometimes I quote from Revelation to tease the priest. They smile and laugh. No one has ever responded in kind. If any priest ever mocked the Witnesses, I would leave that parish. It is complicated.
I should not mock. When I left, there was no Internet. The mockery stems from decades of isolation. When you read satire or even general political works, mockery is used. I love the trademark signs here and Jehoover. It seems all right on this forum.
Wtwiz, is pretty intelligent but I think he shows his bitterness in being fooled for the time he was in.
Hello Min
When they are exposed they look ridiculous all on thier own
Agreed! Being childish just to purposely insult them will never get them to think that we might be saying something worthwhile. Common courtesy is usually in order.
WTWizard is one of my favorite posters here. He has a consistently unique point of view and often makes me LOL.
Because of him I have begun to care more about batteries, flashlights, and silver.
I think those bothered by the mocking of JWs still identify as JWs.
Lets be honest, nothing is funnier than a group of people taking themselves so seriously and trying that hard, while wearing horribly outdated, old fashioned clothing. Sabotaging ones own self interests week after week while investing in a pyramid scheme, or passively allowing child molestations and even child sacrifice in the guise of the blood issue! Add in a dash of pyramidology, some beasts from the book of revelation, and anti-masturbation video in sign language and you have all the fixings for mockery of the highest order.
.................................................................WBT$ Approved HemoPure..
.....................................................................Made From Cows Blood..................That`s WatchTarded!!..
Band on the Run
I feel this forum is a proper place to mock the religion. The explanation I can give is that as a born-in, the Witnesses had too much legitimacy in my mind. "Jehovah" by itself sets off brain chemistry that is complicated. As someone said earlier, hypocritical religions are often mocked. How many nice or not nice people has the WT judged over the years? It could be hundreds of thousands. Abbie Hoffman and John Lennon used to mock politicians. It is the sanctimonious part that leads of good mocking.
When I first saw the TM symbol, Jeehoover, and Washtowel I laughed so hard. Jeehover does not have power over my child mind. How is anyone going to know what I post here. Finally, we are human. It helps to rethink the sanctity of a false god. Compared to most content here, Jeehover, etc. is nothing. We aren't going to get the hard core JWs anyway. Although I left decades ago, I feel mocking is very appropriate. I don't want my Witness crap messing up my present life. I post here b/c I identify with other people who had too much of Jeehoover.
It doesn't bother me and it may not be a way to reach them. I
agree with Band, but a hypocritical religions sets itself up for
mockery, the masturbation video.
There is no way in hell that the GB don't realize today, they are
feeding the RF Grade A bull SH---t.
Well you have to admit that the jokes by tv comedians and late night talk show hosts are pretty funny!
I do think once you disconnect you have a different perspective. If this forum only exists to help others leave, then of course no one should mock jws.
But if this forum is a SAFE gathering place for those who understand or are starting to understand TTATT, then mockery of jws must not be criticized. After all, the WT org did amazing amounts of damage to thousands, maybe millions of families and individuals. It's understandable that some would mock, make fun of, or simply smack them down.
Play fair. Show love. Be kind, rewind.