If Someone Mocks Jehovah's Witnesses Does That Bother You?
by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends
There are a number church organizations that create printed material that shed light on the truth about the JW's. I'm sure a sermon goes along with that material...
Jehoova's deserve nothing but mockery. And derision.
WTwizard's is on the right track. More power to him. It's unfair of the earlier poster to single him out.
It does not bother me if someone is offended.
The jws are full of them selves, they feel they are superior to the rest of us. Their snide remarks and self importance mock us.
Frazzled UBM
I agree with the idea that Witnesses take themselves too seriously and that is why they take offense at being mocked. But not taking themselves and the Governing Body so seriously is part of the process of waking up, so why should we pander to them taking themselves too seriously? If they are taking offense, it probably means they are not ready for JWN yet.
And emeth BTW 'either' is not spelt with a 'g'. Spelling is sometimes use as a gauge of intelligence/education though as I am slightly dyslexic and too lazy sometimes to spell check my posts for typos I will not cast that aspersion on you in the same way you did to WTWizard for fear it will backfire, as it did for you.
Cheers Freaz
I think the silly beliefs and practices of any religion are fair game for being lampooned.
The only thing that would mildly upset me would be if a personal attack were made upon an individual JW's intelligence or sanity. I think the vast majority of R&F JW's are sincere people who are trying to live good lives, deluded they may be, but that applies to any believers.
Attack the silly, groundless beliefs, not the believer.
But the whole JW belief system, and the way they carry on, their attitude to certain things, like "worldly people", and their superstitious and mediaeval fear of Demons etc , there belief in the Time of the End, (there are too many others to mention !) those things anyone is more than welcome to take the piss out of, they can join me in doing so !
Mocking or jesting?
It depends on the context.
If it's downright rude then no, I don't approve. (Unless it's against the Governing body(tm) and their power, money grabbing and paedophile protecting suck ups)
If it's ironic or good natured fun then no problem. I use 'irony' myself.
@frazzled i speak , read and write 4 languages. English is one of them and is not my native language so there is a risk i make spelling mistakes. That has nothing to do with intelligence.
Emeth, I think it's wonderful that you are fluent in four languages! Did you grow up in a multi-lingual household?
Emeth. Can you tell us what your native language is?
"play fair" and honestly.