If you went to the meeting yesterday, did you notice how utterly watchtarded it was?? It seemed to me that everyone in my KH has accepted the fact that they will die. That's all they kept saying, even the WT conducting Eldumb said, " We have to teach the next generation because we won't be here forever.." WTH?!??? The comments were so dumb, so often, that I can't list them all! These people have to know it's all a lie, somewhere in their mind, they must know it...
Do these people even believe the END is coming??? I think that subconsciously, they KNOW they will die. They just cannot deal with it. The ending song [ that I did not sing ] had a line about the paradise coming soon! The only paradise coming soon is the completion of the GB's rooms at Warwick.
The WT lesson itself was riddled with watchtardified sentences. The GB are saying, " Hey ignorant sheeple, you are going to get old! Guess what, you are 50, we lied in the 1968 Awake!! What's that?? It's not in the CD Library??"" The example of "Robert" [ formerly Andre'] and his wife was the worst. A 65 year old couple that " NO LONGER HAD AGING PARENTS NEEDING CARE!!!" WTF!!! Yeah, that's because they DIED!!!!! THEY ARE DEAD!!!
Robert and the wife were 65 and now they are 75!!! Where is the END?? For Robert and his wife, it's SOON.