
by mellojello 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • villagegirl

    The bullshit is getting pretty deep here.

    Cut to chase, women in the Watchtower are less

    than second class citizens. No Biblical reason for it.

    Since the Bible clearly states " you are neither male nor female

    but all one in the Christ" so any other position except absolute

    equality is apostasy. Its a false teaching. Women had positions of

    authority in the past Deborah the Prophet who ruled Israel for 40 yrs

    Early women church Deacons and Elders and Mary herself. The WT is a

    female hating organization, and its followers think eight old men are

    magical Princes of Prophesy. Even the name "elderette" is demeaning.

    Why not full women elders and women giving talks from the platform and

    women on the GB, at least 4 of the eight should be women. Oh wait, they

    can't find 4 women stupid enough.

  • quellycatface

    Hi tornapart, I'm sorry that I've upset you.

    It was seriously, just a joke.

    I know you not all like that. My 2 best friend at one point, were PO's wives.

    Anyway, I like Rottweilers.

  • Miss.Fit

    Villagegirl you go girl!!! You're "preaching to the choir"!!!


  • zebagain

    My brother married late in life. His wife to be quiet, unassuming, invisible suddently became the one sought after by sisters and her phone that rarely rang didnt stop.

  • sparrowdown

    I have personally known "elderettes" with more clout, more ambition, demonstated more backstabbiness and territorial behaviors that would give any "alpha-male" a run for his money. Hell hath no fury!

  • blondie

    Not all elder's wives are "elderettes." I was an elder's wife but I never inserted myself into the lives of others, telling them how to live their lives, running to my husband and telling half-truths or outright lies that made people miserable, judged others as bad association and sharing that opinion with others demanding that they could only be good jws if they avoided them, etc.

    Elderettes exist only because their husbands and husband's elder friends allow it. Elder's wives aren't immue to the meddling of elderettes. I had one tell her husband that she was disturbed that I had accommodations for my physical illness and that she did not think I really had any physical problems...believe it or not he did put pressure on my (elder) husband who told him where to stick the idea. Becoming an elder's wife opened to me and my eyes to another level of abuse in the congregation and convinced me to leave 6 months later.


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