When I see or hear Born Again Christians calling Mormons, JWs, 7th day Adventists, Jews etc; Cults I always have wondered is that not the pot calling the kettle black? i just amazes me how so much in denial BACs(born again christians) are. They love to condemn and throw stones at others but they will never, never, and I mean never label themselves as cults even though they have some of the weirdest beliefs. I remember one born again tell me "Her adultery is different from so and so adultery because she believes in Jesus and so and so does not believe in Jesus". I looked at her and said "Are you serious?" Many born agains are under the belief that "once saved always saved" and they can do anything under the sun as long as they believe in Jesus. This has to be the most dangerous heresy in the christian church. The bible teaches us in many places that God and Jesus are more harder on believers then non believer when it comes to deliberate practicing of sin. God wiped out the Isarelites after Moses came down from the Mountain after they were worshipping the Golden Calf. There was no "once saved always saved" in this account. That is why so many people are disgusted with religions and christianity because they do not practice what they preach. It is easy to throw stones at other groups but they need to clean up their own back yard. I am so glad I am not under this religious nonsense anymore. I used to do whatever the JW's and BACs told me to do before I woke up and smelled the coffee. It is so good to be free.
Why don't Born Again Christians include themselves as "Cults"?
by booker-t 41 Replies latest jw friends
You're right!
Born again Christian don’t
Don’t have mindless obedience to human leadership.
Being a Born again doesn’t destroy lives and families.
Doesn’t require additional holy books or prophets to understand god’s word.
Clambake, you are a perfect example of "being in denial" that I mentioned in my post. You sa "BACs don't have mindless obedience to human leadership" have you watched all of the "tv evangelists" demanding members give money in the collection plate? If this is not mindless obedience to human leadership than I must be the Easter bunny. I know some elderly people that barely can pay their rent and give to these tv evangelists. You also said that being born again does not destroy lives and families" tell that to the millions of gay and lesbian people that have been thrown out by the BAC families around the world and come back to me and tell me what you think. And you mentioned that BACs don't require additonal holy books or prophets to understand god's word" If a church member goes to the Pastor and tells him he does not believe in Trinity, or the Virgin Birth that member is immediately called a "heretic" and controlled by Satan. Wake up Clambake! You are kidding yourself.
Born again Christians are similar too JW's. It is a sect
of Christianty for people who screwed it up the first time
around. They believe that redemption will come from following
the bible more literally than God would ever wish, to the point
which their ideolgy become culty and near immoral..
OH boy, they do talk about all the sinners that are not born again.LOL
Evangelical christianity is a cult.
There may not be a central leadership or offical book, but there is a body of dogma to which every member is expected to assent. Surrendering your mind is a condition of membership.
booker do you know what a cult is?
A cult is not a black-and-white question. It includes a whole collection of features. All churches and independent groups are somewhere on the cult spectrum. At one end there would be something like the Universalists and at the other there would be groups like Jim Jones' church.
Evangelical christianity is on the wrong side of halfway.
Agree Cofty.
I've thought about a "cult-scale" before and if we place Jim Jones/Koresh at 10 and Universalists at 1, I would place the JWs at 8 and the Mormons at about a 7.
Where would you place born agains? Is the time requirement excessively high? Are they constantly trying to separate members from their money? Those are two big ones for me in ranking religions/cults.
I define a cult by the level of micro management of the believers.
BAC's think every little thing in their lives is a battle between Jesus and Satan.