Which Conspiracy Theory Should You Believe?

by metatron 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJS


    Of course the gov. isnt always honest with us. Selling guns to Mexico was a lamebrain decision by a mid level manager who thought it an effective strategy.. The NSA was playing fast and loose with the Patriot Act as predicted. They included lots of people in their game, such as goggle, yahoo, the president (Bush and Obama and the Congressional leaderes) etc., so as a conspiracy, which is supposed to operate in secret for nefarious reasons, it doesn't exactly meet the critera. I think Snowden to this point is a hero, but what the NSA did has been deemed illegal by some courts and not illegal by others.

    There is a big difference between stupid lamebrain decisions made by government officials at various levels and pre-planned criminal or illegal conspiracies such as those swirling around Sandy Hook and 9/11. If every lamebrain, stupid bad management decision made by gov. is deemed a conspiracy then the definition means nothing. The lack of response at the Libyan embassy, IMHO, in one of the worst failures of our government, at so many levels, in our country's history. It is a travesty. But it is gross mismanagement. Now the cover-up? That's different. Did you read the 3 examples I posted?

  • DJS

    From the 'Net this weekend. Zakaria is saying the same thing I'm saying. Incompetence (and maybe a coverup) isn't the same as a conspiracy.

    April 5th, 2014 11:37 AM ET

    Why we believe conspiracy theories

    By Fareed Zakaria

    For those of you tired of the coverage of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, I want you to try an experiment. When you're with a group of friends – whose eyes might roll over when you even bring up the issue – ask them what they think happened to the plane. Very quickly you will find yourselves in the midst of a lively discussion – with many, different, competing theories, each plausible, each with holes. The plane was hijacked, someone will say. But then why were there no demands? It was an accident, someone else will say. But then why were there no distress signals? This mystery of what actually happened is at the heart of the fascination with this story. And the mystery has now morphed into an ever increasing number of conspiracy theories about what actually happened that fateful day last month when the aircraft disappeared.

    There are YouTube clips suggesting that aliens are involved, blog posts accusing the Iranians of hijacking the plane, and many who believe that the passengers and crew are still alive, perhaps on an island somewhere – like in the television show "Lost”. I was thinking about some of these theories the other day as I was looking at a new book by Harvard law professor and former Obama official, Cass Sunstein. It's titled, Conspiracy Theories – and Other Dangerous Ideas. The lead essay in the book explains why conspiracy theories spread – and Flight 370 is a perfect example of his logic. Sunstein treats conspiracy theories seriously, by which I mean he doesn't assume that people are crazy to believe them.

    In fact, he argues that so many people in so many countries believe such theories that we need to understand why and how. A key condition that helps fuel conspiracy theories is a lack of information. When information is scarce, conspiracies abound. And we don't actually know a lot of things about what happened to that plane. Now, the trend is heightened where there is distrust of politics, politicians, and people in authority. One can see that in somewhat opaque political systems like Malaysia and China. But one can also see that in the United States, a country famously distrustful of its government.

    Sunstein points out that when a triggering event produces intense feelings and emotions, people – in a state of fear or rage – find it easier to believe in far-fetched ideas. An assassination like that of John F. Kennedy, a terrorist attack like 9/11, or an airline crash all tend to produce high emotions and a search for something or someone on which to put the blame. Group-think also takes over. When the people who are affected or interested tend to gather, talk to one and other, and communicate in isolation, their convictions tend to get hardened. So, if everyone you talk to – and listen to and watch – believes that President Obama is hiding his birth certificate, you get even more sure about this secret plot over time.

    But the most important, overriding reason, suggests Sunstein, is that we human beings don't like to believe that things happen for arbitrary reasons. We search for a pattern and, if we see one, no matter how implausible, we prefer that to the idea of randomness. Sunstein points out that the philosopher Karl Popper said that human beings like to believe in intention – that an event is caused by specific human intention and action. So we exaggerate the competence of people or governments or big banks because someone must have directed things. Now, sometimes there are conspiracies. But my own sense of the world is that things often happen because of mistakes, bad information and unintended consequences. Or as Hanlon's Law puts it: never attribute to malice what can be better explained by incompetence. Perhaps the biggest driver of events is something truly mysterious – chance. Things go well or badly because of luck – sometimes good luck, sometimes bad luck – much more than we would like to admit. And the combination of chance, ignorance, and incompetence often produces something that looks like a mystery and feels like a conspiracy.

  • metatron

    Sometimes the outworkings of emotional denial can really be something.

    I can only hope that these anti-conspiracy apologists are on their last legs, rapidly approaching defeat, as the public wakes up and realizes what horrors have been created to keep them in control.

    The War with Iraq really happened. They lied. They killed. They wasted trillions of dollars. They weren't punished. Colin Powell was a big part of the deception. Sorry but that's reality.

    The internet is forcing a degree of transparency on governments that they strongly dislike because it is exposing their lies and control methods.

    I rejoiced greatly when I observed that a war with Syria was stopped. I rejoiced even more when the Senate couldn't get a veto proof majority to sabotage peace talks and start a war with Iran ( Menendez-Kirk bill, denounced by the White House).

    I can dare hope.......indeed I do hope .... that the good guys are winning. Maybe, just maybe the end of the warmongers is in sight.


  • Gentledawn

    Who cares if an individual person uses his/her own thinking ability, even if someone else deems that person and/or his/her thoughts as "conspiracy theorist/theorizing"?

    People like this guy:



    • "Gulf of Tonkin incident"

    • Bombing of USS Liberty ("USS Liberty incident", someone mentioned this earlier) by Israeli fighter jets, after they flew low overhead 2 or 3 passes. They killed 34 american sailors and wounded 171 more. The pres. of USA (Johnson, I think) did not give medals of commendation (Capt. McGonagle was awarded the Medal of Honor, the highest medal given by US military), but left to the secretary of the Navy to award to the Captain.

    Just to name two.

    But don't use your thinking ability guys, because it pisses certain people off.

    "I'm not an expert in _x_ things, but let me give an anecdotal story, followed quickly by a strawman argument about how celebrities got something similar but unrelated to the facts presented totally wrong"

    Uh huh.

    People think. People talk amongst themselves. To the best of my knowledge, no one around here hired a conversation referee. Watchtower did enough shutting up to most of us here, over the span of years/decades that we were collectively held in thrall by their mind control tactics (another consiracy theory, eh?). In my humble opinion, anyone who starts yammering and trying to shut down conversations because those convos are not "unemotional" and not "purely fact based" is full of crap. But control freaks do abound, i guess.

  • BU2B

    Does anyone know where the term Conspiracy Theorist comes from? The CIA invented it as a term to label people who questioned the Warren commisions findings on the JFK assasination. Sounds like another label used on us dosent it? A swepping label used to discredit, without examining all the facts..

    Conspiracy theories are not a take them all or leave them all thing. Some have happened, some are nonsense. You will only arrive at the truth by considering all of the facts.

    Why are people so trusting of governments and huge corporations? Why do people feel it is impossible for powerful leaders to come together and make plans? Why do people feel that these rich and powerful leaders will always keep the common mans health and well being as a top priority?

    For those who dismiss ALL conspiracy theories out of hand, what about the Gulf of Tonkin incident? A "conspiracy theory" for years now declassified as fact.

    For those who say, "oh the government loves us it would never intentionally hurt us" what about operation Northwoods? It shows that agencies in Govt has had the motive and will to kill innocent american citizens to further their cause. Please research Operation Gladio, Ajax, and Phoenix with an open mind and get back to me. Has govt been this benign, innocent entity that you like to believe it is?

    As for False Flag terror, does it exist or does it not? Look it up, use Wikipedia or any other source you want. Most Governments seek more power and control just like the Governing Body. If you were the leader of a country, were corrupt and wanted more power in your hands and less in the peoples, what would you do? Most would blow something up or shoot innocent people and then blame their enemies. Hitler did it with the Reichstag Fire and the Gleiwitz incident.. Verified false flags. Look up the attack on the uss Liberty.. A false flag to get the US into was authorised right from the President himself.. Declassified.

    I could go on and on but the point I am trying to make is that the media/corporations/govt have been caught lying to people all the time, to their detriment. Each event, current and historical should be examined with an open mind and using logic and common sense.

    How is someone who swallows whatever CNN or the BBC says without any further critical thinking any different than a JW drone who accepts whatever is in the Watchtower mindlessly? and without critical thought? It is easier and more comforting to just trust and not think, I understand that. But please try to apply the critical thinking skills you have learned to EVERY part of life, not just the WT. You will be amazed what will be revealed if you do this.

  • EndofMysteries

    Well put BU2B.

  • metatron

    Want an example of how amoral, unethical and corrupt government agents can be?

    Ever heard of the form 302 scam?

    Here's how it works: a couple FBI agents have a "casual" conversation with someone - while one of them takes notes. Next thing you know, the person is prosecuted and sent to prison for a felony - lying in court or lying to a Federal officer.

    You see, they can write down anything they want and then claim you said it. Attorneys will tell you never, never, never talk to any Federal agent without a lawyer. The FBI (years ago) issued specific instructions not to record these conversations - just their form so they can threaten the 'victim' later.

    This has been published in the Boston Globe and Forbes magazine. I hesitate to post links because they have proved to be infected with malware sometimes (hint, hint)


  • BU2B

    Also almost all foiled terror attacks were devised, planned, and patsys convinced to do it by FBI agents. Here is the NYtimes article


  • kurtbethel

    The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is one of my favorites. I am impressed at how pervasive and all encompassing it is.


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