So... I'm writing because I have mixed feelings. Keeping my kids safe is my goal... until they are old enough to understand and reason on their own. My mother gave me the tapes (that I gave her back in December) of Combating Mind Control by Steven Hassan, saying that she didn't have a tape player... reminded me of three years ago when I gave her Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz and she said it's to big book to read and she's not a reader. Betting around the bush so they won' ... t hurt my feelings. My grandma gave me back the bible (through my mom) with a note "My dear [granddaugher], Thank you for the picture of [your daugher]. She is so pretty. I want you to know I appreciate the bible but it would not be right of me to keep it, as the print is to small and also I feel it's hard to read. Also, this bible does not help anyone to know God. God has a name and his name should be there 7,000 places and Jesus said he made his father's name known and he wants us all to know it and sanctify it. That would mean we would do all we can to show we love our creator and make his name known. Always enjoyed you and hope and pray we can be there when grandpa is brought to life here on the earth. He was so faithful. Love Grandma." It Brought me to tears because I love my grandma and my mother... I wish I could show them all that I have learned but there is to much and I know it would never go over well. I want to just leave it all be and just enjoy our little visits... hope that they won't shut me out completely. My tears won't stop. I fear the worst that all my family will completely shut me out. They done it before what is to stop them later. My mom says when she goes back she wants the big print from the watchtower. I just nodded my head and smiled. My kids are over my mom's and all I can think is, is it safe when they are older to let them spend the night? .... Will she go back and read my children JW literature? I worry all the time.
Are my children in danger of being indoctrinated if I let them spend the night with their JW family?
by Butterflyleia85 31 Replies latest jw friends
finally awake
In my opinion, the vast majority of dubs will completely disregard the parent's wishes and attempt to indoctrinate the children if given any opportunity at all to do so. They feel it is their obligation, and they will lie about it. However, you have to decide for yourself whether it is worth the risk. Your children may not be easily susceptible, or the contact may be limited enough that you feel the risk is small. Myself, I wouldn't let my kids spend time alone with a dub even if they wanted to.
Buck Rogers
To me the dangers of exposing ones children to practicing Jehovah's Witnesses are on par with exposing them to a dumbass, and hell yes they will read them the literature, many is the time the subject of articles in their publications were encouraging just that, covertly indoctrinating and manipulating children while been told NOT to by non practising or "worldly" parents friends and guardians.
im not saying don't let your kids see grandma, but don't leave them unsupervised and I certainly would nt make a habit of regular unsupervised over night stays.
I agree with Buck. No matter what they say and even if they actually agree not to directly preach at the kids, they will be dropping cult speak into every conversation. It will be bad enough in your presence (and they will,they don't even KNOW how much they do it), but they will feel 'morally' obligted to teach your kids whenever you are not available.
BTW, write your will now naming non-JW guardians for your kids. Unless you have your wishes stated, parents are the first place they go if something happens to you.
zed is dead
The danger is about the same as if they a screwed up the bunghole by someone with HIV without a condom.
LoisLane looking for Superman
I am so sorry you are having this problem.
(((Hugs))) dear Girl.
There is a lot of heart ache here.
If your Mom and Grandma could step back and see the whole picture like you do, they would kick themselves in the pants for their behavior toward you and your little precious family.
It is a slow night and maybe it is just guys, men, Dad's and Uncle's and Grandpa's that are reading and they are a bit shy about commenting and offering advise .
I have not been in this situation, but I hear your pain.
I wouldnt worry to much, you can always ask your kids and then set them strait. Let your family see the kids and maybe they will continue to be a family for you as well.
I would NEVER allow a child of mine to spend unsupervised time with ANY JW, relative or not. Certainly no overnight visits.
Yes I do need to go to bed myself. I just got done watching this which was encouraging . I still have time my kids are 3 and 1. They won't retain to much of what she may say to them. And I still have hope in my mother. I just have to ask the right questions I beleive. As far as my grandma... I think I will leave it at what it is now our short small visits.
Thank you everyone for your advice and help. I do think I will be more careful I don't want them to create phobias in my children. I've seen pictures in the past where my pioneer sister and her husband came over to visit at my moms while my kids were there and they were reading bible story book.
A friend recently let her daughter stay a weekend with the grandparents. Now her daughter wants to start going to meetings. I would not recommend allowing a child to be left with JWs without you being there to supervise.