Supreme Court ruling- refusing to photo gay wedding is discrimination

by SadElder 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lambsbottom


    Can you please provide proof that marriage "meant something besides that"?

  • Viviane

    Yeah, look in the Bible for starters.

  • DuvanMuvan

    Well why exactly is marriage just for a man and a woman in the first place?

  • redvip2000

    I don't understand why same-sex couples just don't coin a new term for their union. Why do they have to COPY heterosexual's term?

    Would it make it better for you if they spell it "mariage" with one R instead?

    Are they allowed to say "sex"? Or should they come up with a different term so that it doesn't affect your pristine idea of what sex should be? Perhaps call it "sexual union". Is that better for you?

  • lambsbottom

    @viviane & devanmuvan

    I'm just quoting the DICTIONARY.

    Regardless of whether polygamy was practiced, it was still between a man and woman.

    So, you are trying to change the definition of marriage?

    And I ask again, why don't same sex couples just coin their own term?

  • Viviane

    I'm just quoting the DICTIONARY.

    I can quote one too. See! Now that proves MY point.


    [ mar -ij ] Show IPA


    1. (broadly) any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established in various parts of the world to form a familial bond that is recognized legally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partners mutual conjugal rights and responsibilities and including, for example, opposite-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, plural marriage, and arranged marriage:, Anthropologists say that some type of marriage has been found in every known human society since ancient times. See word Story at the current entry.

    Regardless of whether polygamy was practiced, it was still between a man and woman.

    Not really. There was group marriage, marriage between a man and many women, child marriage and even a record of the church performing a same sex marraige: A same-sex marriage between the two men Pedro Díaz and Muño Vandilaz in the Galician municipality of Rairiz de Veiga in Spain occurred on 16 April 1061. They were married by a priest at a small chapel. The historic documents about the church wedding were found at Monastery of San Salvador de Celanova. [55]

    So, you are trying to change the definition of marriage?

    As I said, definitions change over time and it looks like you are the one trying to claim it has always meant one man and one woman when that clearly is not true.

    And I ask again, why don't same sex couples just coin their own term?

    I just quoted a dictionary, they already have one! Marriage!

  • DuvanMuvan

    lambsbottom 3 things i want to say in response to what you said

    1. My point was that i see no reason why it was exclusively hetrosexual in the first place and that just saying "that's how it's always been" isn't really a reason for not allowing it to be for gay couples today.

    2. Is upholding the definition of a word really that important? Like when you think about everything else we could and should be worrying about?

    In fact...the dicitonary definition you provided doesn't have to be read as strictly hetrosexual

    "a. The condition of being a husband or wife; the relation between persons married to each other(notice it doesnt say between a man and a woman); matrimony." If this is really up to date this might be because same sex mariiage is becoming more common nowadays.

    3. There already is a same-sex version of marriage (over here in the UK at least, called civil unions) but the problem is that you're effectively saying that same sex marriage doesn't deserve to be given the same recognition.

    Same sex marriage was legalised over here not that long ago and i can honestly say that nothing has changed.

  • lambsbottom


    You need to use another dictionary. is more of a Wikipedia, not a scholarly dictionary. Oxford, Merriam-Webster, etc. are examples of scholarly dictionaries.

    Quoting one union of a same sex couple is cherry picking a rare instance.

    The fact is that the term marriage is defined as between man and woman. So, why are same sex couples trying to change the definition.

    Actually, answer this question!

    Why would same sex partners WANT to use a term that so closely associates their union with thousands of years of same sex union?

  • DuvanMuvan

    why does it matter

  • Rattigan350

    So what if it is discrimination. A person should not be forced to do work or work for someone whom she does not want to. Any business has the right to refuse service, especially an individual. What if the gay wedding wanted a penis shaped cake, can the bakery refuse to make that? First off, how would one know how to photograph a gay wedding? Usually there are bride, and bridal party pictures, then groom and groom party pictures, etc. But it would be all messed up.

    A Witness photographer can refuse to do a Catholic wedding.

    And this is not the same as Whites Only signs. Like Lambsbottom above said "I am proud to be anti-gay marriage.". I also am anti-gay marriage. There is no such thing. It is called being friends..

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