I made my daughters cry last night.....

by Ugottabefresh 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jgnat

    Give them about five years. There's a huge cognitive revolution that happens when the hormones hits. In the meantime, be the same steady old dad you have always been.

  • Hortensia

    I know your kids feel badly now, but as everyone said in time they will be glad you took this step. They'll see you living your life and being happy and feeling secure, unafraid. It will be beneficial for them in the long run. I know it's hurting you, too, at the moment, because you don't like to see your kids worry about you. If you're unafraid, they'll see that.

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome Ugottabefresh, I'm sorry for the pain that you felt, but you can help your children to critically think for themselves and achieve their full potential free of the WTBTS. Are you married? Do you have custody of your children?

    If you have custody of your children, encourage them to make more non-JW friends, do fun activities with them where they will meet more non-JWs, and teach them how to critically think for themselves. If you haven't read books by cult-exit counselors, I would recommend that you read Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"), visit his website www.freedomofmind.com, and watch his FREE videos on his website.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • clarity

    So sorry this has happened to your family Ugottabe,

    who would ever have believed that a "religion" could cause

    this kind of pain!


    I am glad you came on this site, you will find it quite

    valuable ... lots of good advice, support & research info.

    So welcome here & keep posting OK......I see in this last

    week you have many Newbie companions who have just

    joined as well! :-)


  • villagegirl

    This was HARSH, if you could soften the blow by telling them

    you still love Jehovah and think Jehovah is happy with your

    new view of things. I don't have any idea what you now believe

    but if you could substiute what they know now with some new religious

    ideas, it would so much better for them. Reading the Bible to them.

    Being a loving person and father, telling them you still pray, telling them

    you want to be a Christian now. All this may sound silly to you, I do not know,

    but children need a spiritual hope and a God centered world view, you can't

    just go in a tell them. Well I am an Atheist now and there is no God.

    Its putting yourself in the wrong, in their eyes. You are not wrong for

    leaving the Watchtower and it does not mean turning your back on God,

    if you can get that across to them, you will be doing them a kindness.

  • Viviane

    I don't have any idea what you now believe

    but if you could substiute what they know now with some new religious

    ideas, it would so much better for them.

    Lying to kids doesn't ever seem to be good for them. Why replace one lie with another?

    All this may sound silly to you, I do not know,

    but children need a spiritual hope and a God centered world view, you can't

    just go in a tell them.

    Children want to be loved and not lied to just because adult are too weak to tell them the truth.

  • sarahsmile

    Some times it is better to not say anything to children. Maybe get some ice cream and a movie on Sundays would be better!

    If your ten year old daughter wants to go to meetings maybe you can take her to a church where they do stuff with children. Some parents do not believe but are open minded enough to let their children attend.

    All religions has flaws but they offer social connection. Children need to stay connected with other children.

  • JWdaughter

    Just love them, don't do anything crazy around them and be a rock for them. They will figure things out eventually.

  • zebagain

    Luve em to bits.

  • Truthseeker677

    A bible student . I have read a lot of your posts .

    Peace be with you and all those you love.

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