Good luck with the new venture. If you have a fox problem, I'm sure Dazed but not Confused could help out.
Last Friday I brought home 6 Peepers
by Still Totally ADD 18 Replies latest jw friends
Band on the Run
AH, I thought this was a peep thread. They come in a variety of pastel colors now. I like them very fresh. My teeth bite into their peep heads. I'd love to know how much money is spent on Peeps every Easter. Secret- I had Easter baskets as a kid. It had to be hidden in case of relative visits. Now I would puke on the cheap candy. Oh, Peeps are great!
Chickens! I've got a mixed lot here. t
They are funny creatures--entertaining and eggs are delicious. Do you have a rooster too?
I agree, Bemused.
I don't have chickens anymore.
Foxes are sly, sneaky little creatures that love to prey on them.
Hi Totally.......omg that sounds like heaven!
More of us need to grow our own food, makes
you healthy to be outside to feed the chickens &
collect the eggs, digging & weeding a garden gives
a good appetite as well as fresh "organic" food!
I would do it again in a NY minute...given the chance!
Band on the Run
I've never had a fresh egg in my life. They may be available at some high end restaurants. Cookbook authors sing their praises.
Come on down to Bama, girl, and we'll fix you up good fashion.
Still Totally ADD
Thank you jgnat for the information. The peepers have grown quite a bit in the last few days. They are starting to eat through the bag of feed of I got them. About a cup a day. I am sure in the next few weeks that will increase. Oh what fun. Still Totally ADD