umm, ok
Pittsburgh High School Stabbings by a Student... 20 Stabbed
by RubaDub 53 Replies latest social relationships
I would lol, but levity has no place on this thread.
When this kind of stuff happens in the ghetto, and it does quite often, no one pays attention.
But when it happens in a nice suburban school, that's big news, man.
But, of course.
*cue GEICO commercial*
Everybody knows that.
Still sad, though.
Band on the Run
I always equated school with nice things until junior high school. We were in the minority and faced violence done in front of teachers' noses. We had explosive riots in high school. I can still smell the place where the riots started. One black female attacked another black female b/c she did not receive an invitation to a baby shower. The male teachers could not separate them. As the girls tore off hair and clothing, down to underwear when I left, the boys of both races jumped up on tables to get a better view. Students were hyped up. It was racial within two periods. Violence at school should be unacceptable. How did he get two knives in a school?
The NYT said he went from classroom to classroom. It took the police on premises more than twenty minutes to respond. Thank God he did not have a gun. I wonder why male students did not jump him.
My father made me go to school for obedience sake. The boy in front of me had a knife. There was a big struggle with the vice principal. It looked like the vp was going to be stabbed. The police came over. I was shaking all over the place. Everyone there is going to have a rough time. I can't wait to hear the excuse this time. My sister and I were discussing it. Local news stayed local back when we were in school. CNN has carried the missing airline story for way too long. Now it has a fresh mess to make money.
My condolences to everyone involved.
What is going on in schools today, to make the students angry ? Is it the home or the school? The young ones seem to be taking it out on their fellow students....what is making them so mad....AT SCHOOL ? Kids go into these schools, all we know is that the teachers are teaching, but what else...something IN THE SCHOOL IS MAKING THEM ANGRY & THEN THEY LASH OUT...
Something to think about....if one has the time...
What is going on in the schools?
Bullying, drug and alcohol use, competition over the opposite sex or same sex, worry about grades, homelessness, hunger, absent parents, cliques, ...
You name it.
Snow bird its called evolution. When I observe things on the Canadian frontier ,which is less than 5 miles from my house. Its just the way it is.
Band on the Run
Did you grow up in Newark, NJ? I graduated Barringer. We lived in Forest Hills. I can't recall where the KH was. In fact, I am back in the Hallmark House. Moving as soon as possible. It would be so funny if you were from the same KH.