Band I grew up in Irvington and Newark new jersey after moving from North Carolina. I went to the Vailsburg hall in Newark and then all the Irvington halls. Based on your age I know we haaaaaaaaaaad to have crossed paths.
Pittsburgh High School Stabbings by a Student... 20 Stabbed
by RubaDub 53 Replies latest social relationships
Band on the Run
Confused and Alone,
I substitute taught at Malcolm X Shabazz. You did have a lot of violence. What was the school called before the name change? Was it West Side? South Side?
Band on the Run
Vailsburg. When Barringer met Vailsburg students, we felt we had a lot in common. Vailsburg struck me as a more elegant school. You had a lot of students going to top colleges. It is the only high school we felt understood us. You were so far away for a student to travel. I am 60. Mayor Addonizio was in federal prison and Ken Gibson was elected. We had to attend the same assemblies and conventions.
In fact, I am downtown now. As soon as I can move to Montclair or someplace the better. I thought I could do Newark. Newark is going to undo me. I ran into Corey Booker a few months ago. I would have spoken to him but he was completely immersed in a silly ninja show on TV. In fact, I eat at Chateau of Spain, next to City Hall. This past week I tried Dinosaur Barbecue, near Broad and Market. So much has changed but I find it dinky.
Do you know where my KH was? I live near City Hall and the main police station. Branch Brook Park remains beautiful. The cherry blossoms should be out any day now. I notice it is sparser than my time.
I don't remember the name prior to it being called Shabazz... no one every really liked to say Malcolm x shabazz it was always just SHABAZZ because that sounded far more cooooool! LOL
I was there in the early 90's and also during the whole Rodney King verdict when the entire downtown area was once again a giant riot
Vailsburg was still somewhat nice in the late 80's and early 90's. North Newark had all the italians and portuguese and nice neighborhoods in comparison to the rest of Newark for the most part. My mother grew up in Newark and she is probably the same age as you maybe a little older.
I was so envious of North Newatrk because it all seemed so sane and safe LOL. My mom did like Newark alot. She moved away to NC in the 70's and thought it would get better so she returned in the 80's BAD IDEA.
Chateau of Spain Iberias was great with the seafood and Sangria LOL. Until I moved about 10 years ago we always went with friends and every time I visit I would still go. However the area I lived in is so unsafe I can't really return. Sharpe James destroyed that town...
Malcolm X Shabazz High School is a four-year public high school in Newark , New Jersey , United States , as part of the Newark Public Schools . The school was formerly named South Side High School until it was renamed in 1972.
Wikipedia gets it right on occasions.
You're welcome.
Gun rights advocates must be really disturbed today that the guy didn't just get an easily-available gun and get the job done right.
You are pathetic. Kids get knifed at school by a nutcase and you think you have a platform for your anti-gun views?
Things are settling down, now.
You are pathetic. Kids get knifed at school by a nutcase and you think you have a platform for your anti-gun views?
AlphaMan ...
I guess as a gun owner (2) I can state that I am not anti-gun, but just wish to see "reasonable" and responsible ownership of weapons that can cause death. I will not give up my guns but would welcome that every gun have the "fingerprint" taken and I will take full responsibility if that gun is used in a crime.
No different from a car. If my car is stolen, i would IMMEDIATELY report it to the police.
Would you or I feel more comfortable driving on highways if cars were not registered and tags were not required? Not me.
I guess you may consider me an anti-gun person but don't touch my guns. You can know all you want to know about them but keep your hands off.
But if a child ends up with a bullet in his body, I think we have the "right" to know who owned the gun.
Rub a Dub
Band on the Run
I just saw the suspect for the first time. He is going to be charged as an adult. I must say that he does not look like an adult. Far from it. He seems nerdy which is what struck me about Son of Sam and John Lennon's assasin.