You provided the bad examples, I pointed out the reality of why it wouldn't work. It was absolutely a team effort! Don't sell yourself short, snowbird.
We discovered four earth like planets (hypothetically) who would go where???
by jam 92 Replies latest members private
I favour treat others as they want to be treated not as I would like to be treated. Sylv you can't make a law about smiling, too funny. We'd look like we'd had too much botox.
Sylvia: A guy I haven't seen since we both went too Vietnam(two years)
I walked up behind him and attempted to hugg him and he almost
punched me in the nose. He had PTSD.....
Oh, no.
No selling of myself short here.
I learned to read at age two, so I've always known I'm a little special.
I provided the good example; you provided the not-so-good.
Xant, just think if everybody woke up and said, "I'm going to smile at everyone I meet today."
EVERYBODY smiling at each other.
What a wonderful world
Why did you walk up behind him, Jam?
Sorry, Sylvia, you've just gotten three examples of people that wouldn't like living by your rule. Your example was bad, you're just too special to see it.
Smiling all the time in certain area could get you hurt.
And by the way, how did we get from living in outer space
too hugging and smiling..LOL
It's that Viviane.
She started it.
So, jam, what did you think of my high level outline of how to choose?
Whatever, snowbird. No one started anything, you just needed to inject Jesus into a situation and promptly derail it the conversation. At least take credit for it. I know you won't, but it's obvious to all.