snowbird: Logic...But that is just my humble opinion.
We discovered four earth like planets (hypothetically) who would go where???
by jam 92 Replies latest members private
I would use a lottery system to populate those four planets.
I would leave it up to the people to devise a means of survival.
If the people decide they need more or less of this or that, they are free to take care of the situation.
Is that clear enough for you?
Is that clear enough for you?
No, let's try again.
You would be OK without knowing if they enough engineers, teachers, doctors and scientists and no way to get more if they don't? You would ship people light years away having no idea if they had the skillsets or resources to survive?
No, ma'am.
You've got all you're going to get.
Find somewhere else to drill.
Au contraire, your answer is an obvious yes. You are just too afraid to admit it.
Afraid of what?
I simply refuse to answer any more of your tautological, asinine questions because I don't like your attitude.
Is that clear enough?
We'll leave it there.
Afraid of what?
Afraid of how bad your answer is.
I simply refuse to answer any more of your tautological, asinine questions because I don't like your attitude.
Is that clear enough?
Yes, your fear is now exposed and you are calling names like a 2 year old that thinks she's special. It's extremely clear.
We'll leave it there.
Your behavior isn't so good, but it doesn't really bother me, I deal with worse on a regular basis.
And, just so we ARE clear, you WOULD send people light years away without planning to give them the chance for success, but rather would hope it all just worked itself out. Not a great plan.
I'll tell you why it would have to be random lottery. The administration to build and vet a "perfect" application process would suck up 50% of the resources. Also, once a bureaucracy is built it refuses to die. Those goshdarn bureaucrats will find a reason to continue their existence.
If the original pool is large enough, there will be enough talent for all four planets. Statistical certainty.
Edited to say, I better remove that.
If the original pool is large enough, there will be enough talent for all four planets. Statistical certainty.
That is absolutely NOT a statistical certainty in a random lottery.